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You are probably thinking of hydrocarbon polymers such as polythene, which can have a backbone of about 20,000 carbon atoms, with some forms that are even longer. However the biggest polymers are the biological ones whose structures are more complex, having chains based on carbon but with other elements too. An example would be a protein which basically consists of many linked amino acids. Each segment has a carbon chain, but they are linked by nitrogens and oxygens,

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Some compounds have backbones made up of hundreds or thousands of repeating units called monomers, such as in proteins made up of amino acids or nucleic acids made up of nucleotides. These long chains of monomers give the compound its unique structure and properties.

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Q: What do the backbones of some compounds have hundreds or thousands of?
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What is the chemical formula of mineral water?

The chemical formula for mineral water varies depending on the minerals present. However, the general composition of mineral water includes H2O (water) along with minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and others.

Elements are the basic building blocks of matter how is it possible that there are hundreds of thousands of different kinds of matter when there are just 112 elements?

The large variety of matter comes from the different ways that elements can combine and bond together. Through chemical reactions, elements can form molecules and compounds with unique properties and structures. This allows for countless combinations and arrangements of elements to create the vast array of substances we see in the world.

What element represents a compound?

The chemical symbol of an element represents a compound. A compound is made up of two or more different elements chemically bonded together. The chemical symbol for each element in the compound is used to represent its composition.

Is hydrogen part of all organic compounds?

No, hydrogen is not part of all organic compounds. While hydrogen is commonly found in organic molecules, there are some organic compounds that do not contain hydrogen, such as organometallic compounds or compounds containing only carbon and oxygen.

Name some uses of chlorine and bromine compounds?

Chlorine compounds are used in water treatment, disinfectants, bleach, and PVC production. Bromine compounds are used as flame retardants, in pharmaceuticals, and in some agrochemicals.

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