

What makes green apples taste sour?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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16y ago

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Apples all grow the same way. They are produced on small branches that grow from small exits in larger branches. Due to the climates in which Pippins and other green apples originated, they tend to be green. Dense areas with more rain than sunlight has bleached the surface of the small branches, confusing pigmentation in the fruit, selecting green because of the phosphorous contained in the plant.

Because of the skin on the outside and how it reflects light and color.

Green apples can be green when ripe for eating (Granny Smith's for example) or they can be the color of red apples that aren't mature yet. Most apple varieties are green when not ripe.

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13y ago
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1mo ago

Green apples taste sour due to their higher concentration of malic acid compared to other varieties of apples. Malic acid is a natural compound found in many fruits and is responsible for the tartness or sourness in green apples.

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15y ago

not all green apples are sour and not all red apples are sweet. it all depends upon the variety. i recommed slightly light green golden delicious apples as they are green and are still sweet.

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12y ago

they have Kristopher garcia in them that make them sour but Julia ann zepeda to make them sour

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16y ago

Green apples are sour for the same reason as lemons, they contain acid, and acids are sour-tasting.

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12y ago

because it is not ripe.

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3y ago

bc they are duhhh

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a little sour. but really good 2 me!

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Granny Smith apples have a sour taste when they are not too ripe, but when they are they sometimes have a sweet taste

Why are Granny Smith apples sour?

Acidity, and low pH. If a Gran apple is allowed to ripen fully on the tree so that it has a red blush, it will develop much more sugar and flavor so that it is no more tart than the average apple variety.

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Acids taste sour because they release hydrogen ions (H+) when dissolved in water, which stimulate sour taste receptors on the tongue. Bases taste bitter because they release hydroxide ions (OH-) when dissolved in water, which activate bitter taste receptors. These taste sensations are the body's way of detecting and reacting to different chemicals.

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Some sour fruit could be green grapes, green apples, and mabey a grape fruit that you ate to early.

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depends on what you eat

Does the color of an apple change the flavor?

Yes, it does. For example take bread, untoasted bread tastes different than toasted bread. Same with apples a red apple will taste sweeter than a green apple which will taste more sour.

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What fruit has a tart taste?

Ascorbic acid (aka vitamin C) gives many fruits that crisp, slightly sour taste. Add citric acid of the citrus fruits and you get sour like a lemon. Malic acid in apples provides the sour/tart flavor. Tartari acid in grapes provides the tart taste there.

Why does an unripe apple taste sour?

Unripe apples contain higher levels of malic acid, which gives them a sour taste. As the apple ripens, the levels of malic acid decrease while the levels of sugars increase, leading to a sweeter taste.