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they are metals.

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3mo ago

All Group 4A elements have 4 valence electrons in their outermost shell and are classified as metals with typical metallic properties, such as high electrical conductivity and malleability. They tend to form stable +4 oxidation states in compounds.

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Q: What describes a property of all of the Group 4 A elements?
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What describes a property of all elements?

For example the density.

Why do all elements in group 16 share property?

All elements in group 16 share similar properties because their valence shells all contain the s2p4 electron configuration.

Is a property shared by all of the elements in group 18 on the periodic table?

All elements within a group (verticle column) will have the same valence, or in other words, the same number of electrons in the outer shell). Ray

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In a group, the identity property is that each group contains an element, i, such that for all elements x, in the group, i*x = x*i = x. i is called the identity element.

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Which a property shared by all of the elements in group 18 on the periodic table?

They have an octet of outer electrons, so they are stable. They do not tend to form any compounds.

What chemical property is common to the elements in group 18 on the periodic table?

The elements in group 18, also known as the noble gases, share the chemical property of being inert or having very low reactivity. This is due to their full outer electron shells, which makes them stable and less likely to form chemical bonds with other elements.

What is the oxidation number for all elements in this group?

Group 1 elements have an oxidation number of +1.

What do all elements in a group have on a periodic table?

All elements in a group have same chemical properties. They have same number of valence electrons.

What Property Does argon have in common with nitrogen and oxygen?

Argon, nitrogen, and oxygen are all gases at room temperature and pressure. Additionally, these three elements are all part of Group 18 (noble gases), Group 15, and Group 16 of the periodic table, respectively.

What is true of the properties of elements within the same column?

I think the common property is that they will all have the same number of valence electrons in the outer shell, depending upon the group.

What is about all elements that can be found in the same group?

All elements in the groups (excluding transition metals) have the same number of electrons as the group number.