One compound word that can be made with "weight" is "Weightlifting." This compound word combines "weight," referring to a heavy object used for exercise, with "lifting," the action of raising something upwards. In weightlifting, individuals lift heavy weights to build strength and muscle mass.
The word "pit" can be added to "fire" and "stone" to make the compound word "firepit" or "stonepit."
Yes, "cannot" is a compound word formed from the words "can" and "not." It is used to express the negative form of "can."
No, "fire" is not a compound word. A compound word is formed by combining two or more words to create a new word with a specific meaning. "Fire" is a standalone word that refers to a combustion process that produces heat and light.
No. It is two words which form a complex noun if you want to call it that, but because it is two words, it does not count as a complex word. It is much like paper weight. It is a weight for paper, and one noun, yes, but two words, and thus not a compound word.
The word 'paper' will make each a compound word:paper weightfly papersand paper
Paper weight
One compound word you can make is "raincoat."
weight fly sand
Stingray is a compound word.
needlewoman is a compound word
Makeshift is a compound word made up of make and shift.
What us a word to mack cloth to make a compound word
There isn't a compound word (or contraction) for that. Try we + have = we've?
Yes, Overnight IS a compound word. A compound word is a seperate words that come together that make a new word.
One is booster club, an open compound word.
I don't think there is a compound word with the word 'thorn' in it. Sorry!