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When sodium is heated, it produces a bright yellow color due to the excitation of electrons in the sodium atoms. This yellow color is characteristic of the emission spectrum of sodium.

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Q: What colour is produced when sodium is heated?
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Sodium chloride does not produce a flame when heated. It simply melts into a liquid state and eventually vaporizes.

Why does sodium chloride produces a yellow flame when heated?

Sodium chloride does not produce a yellow flame when heated because it is a compound made up of sodium and chloride ions, neither of which emit a yellow flame when heated individually. A yellow flame is typically produced by the presence of sodium ions, as in sodium-based compounds like sodium bicarbonate or sodium nitrate.

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Sodium chloride does not change color when heated in water. It dissolves in water to form a transparent solution.

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The word equation for when sodium is heated in air is: sodium + oxygen β†’ sodium oxide.

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In a flame, sodium chloride produces a bright orange-yellow colour.

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The word equation for sodium hydrogen carbonate when heated is: sodium hydrogen carbonate (sodium bicarbonate) β†’ sodium carbonate + carbon dioxide + water.

When heated with a Bunsen burner does sodium carbonate decompose?

Yes, when heated with a Bunsen burner, sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) decomposes to form sodium oxide (Na2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

What gas is given off when Potassium Hydroxide and Sodium Hydroxide heated?

When Potassium Hydroxide is heated, it gives off water vapor (H2O). When Sodium Hydroxide is heated, it also gives off water vapor (H2O).

What is the colour of sodium metal?

silvery white the same for sodium