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4mo ago

An iodine solution is typically a dark brown or purple color.

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Q: What colour is an iodine solution?
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What is the initial colour of an iodine solution?

The initial color of an iodine solution is yellow-brown.

What is the colour of of an iodine solution?

An iodine solution is typically dark brown or reddish-brown in color.

What color is starch with iodine solution?

it is a yellowish/orange colour but when iodine is present, than it will turn an dark-blue/black colour

Why is rice brown in colour when iodine solution is put on it?

cause iodine(brown) stains the rice

What colour does iodine solution turn when starch is presant?

It turns a dark purple/blue colour

Which liquid can easily dissolve the green colour from the leaf?

iodine solution

What colors does starch turn if there is a little amount present?

starch will not change its own colour but it can change the colour of iodine solution. iodine solution is originally brown. after adding starch, it will turn into dark blue.

What colour does iodine solution turn red litmus paper?

The color not change.

What color gives if starch reacts with iodine?

When iodine reacts with starch, the solution will turn a brownish colour.

What colour does bleach and iodine turn to?

Bleach turns yellow when it reacts with iodine. Iodine itself turns from brown to a colorless solution when mixed with bleach.

Add a drop of iodine to both a distilled water test tube and to the test tube containing the starch solution in the test tube What do you observe?

Adding iodine to distilled water will not result in any observable reaction, as iodine does not react with water. However, adding iodine to the starch solution will turn the solution blue-black, indicating the presence of starch through the formation of a starch-iodine complex.

What colour does bread go when you add iodine solution?

Bread turns blue-black when iodine solution is added due to the presence of starch. The iodine reacts with the starch molecules in the bread, forming a complex that gives this characteristic color change.