The three primary colors that can be used to make any other color are red, blue, and yellow. Mixing these colors in various combinations can produce a wide range of other colors.
Yellow and blue make green. Add more yellow to get a yellow-green. These colors will be intense, so you may have to lighten with white.
The two marker colors that make orange when combined are red and yellow. Mixing these two primary colors will produce different shades of orange depending on the ratio of each color used.
Red, blue, and yellow are considered primary colors because they cannot be created by mixing other colors. These three colors are used as the foundation for creating all other colors through mixing and blending.
Yellow and red are the two colors that make yellow orange. By mixing these two primary colors together, you can create the secondary color of yellow orange.
Yellow and Blue.
The three primary colors that can be used to make any other color are red, blue, and yellow. Mixing these colors in various combinations can produce a wide range of other colors.
Red, blue and green make yellow
Yellow and blue make green. Add more yellow to get a yellow-green. These colors will be intense, so you may have to lighten with white.
Red and yellow. There are no other colors besides red and yellow that make orange.
In ART, they are red, blue, and yellow. In LIGHT, they are red, blue, and green (combined in various hues to create the colors as in a computer monitor or television. * The three composite colors used in printing (besides black) are yellow, cyan, and magenta.
yellow and brown
The two marker colors that make orange when combined are red and yellow. Mixing these two primary colors will produce different shades of orange depending on the ratio of each color used.
Red, blue, and yellow are considered primary colors because they cannot be created by mixing other colors. These three colors are used as the foundation for creating all other colors through mixing and blending.
No color can make yellow, it is a primary color, along with red, and blue. they are all colors that cannot be made by other colors. you can make secondary colors, though. Secondary colors are orange, purple, and green. yellow+blue=green yellow+red=orange blue+red=purple
Yellow is a primary color which means it is one of the three colors that when combined with one another, make every other color in the world. The three primary colors are blue, red, and yellow. Yellow cannot be made out of any colors because it is a primary color. If you were to mix blue and yellow, you would get green. Yellow and red would be orange. Blue and red would make purple. Mixing different primary colors and different amounts make all the different colors there are. Yellow is already yellow. No colors mixed together can make yellow.