The color tube used for folate testing is typically a lavender or purple-top tube. These tubes contain the anticoagulant EDTA which is used to preserve the blood sample for testing.
For a HgA1c you would need a lavender top tube.
A green-colored tube is typically used to draw blood for lipase testing.
Blood for a folate test is typically drawn in a lavender-top tube, which contains the anticoagulant EDTA. The lavender-top tube is used for collecting whole blood specimens for hematology testing.
A lavender or purple-topped tube is typically used for a magnesium blood draw.
The color tube used for folate testing is typically a lavender or purple-top tube. These tubes contain the anticoagulant EDTA which is used to preserve the blood sample for testing.
For a HgA1c you would need a lavender top tube.
A green-colored tube is typically used to draw blood for lipase testing.
Blood for a folate test is typically drawn in a lavender-top tube, which contains the anticoagulant EDTA. The lavender-top tube is used for collecting whole blood specimens for hematology testing.
A lavender or purple-topped tube is typically used for a magnesium blood draw.
A lavender top tube is typically used to draw an ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) test.
A lavender or purple tube is typically used for TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) blood draw.
2 ml whole blood in red top tube or three 0.6 ml microtubes
A lavender-top tube is typically used to draw blood for clozapine levels. It is important to follow the specific laboratory's instructions for the proper collection tube.
A lavender or purple top tube is typically used to draw blood for Hep C testing.
A lavender or light blue tube is typically used for an amylase blood draw as it contains an anticoagulant (lavender tube) or no anticoagulant (light blue tube) needed for the test.