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It should be a greenish blue.

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When copper reacts with chlorine in water, a greenish-blue color is formed, which is due to the formation of copper(II) chloride.

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Q: What color formed when copper mixed with chlorine in water?
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What do you get if mix copper and oxygen?

When copper is mixed with oxygen, copper oxide is formed. The specific compound formed depends on the ratio of copper to oxygen present during the reaction.

Why does copper sulphate and sodium carbonate mixed together turn green?

When copper sulfate (blue) and sodium carbonate (colorless) are mixed, a chemical reaction occurs that forms copper carbonate as a product, which is green in color. The green color comes from the copper carbonate that is insoluble in water and precipitates out when the two solutions are mixed.

Why does copper chloride solution appear to fade in color when mixed with aluminum?

When copper chloride solution is mixed with aluminum, a redox reaction occurs where the aluminum reduces the copper ions to form copper metal. This results in a color change from blue-green (copper chloride solution) to colorless (copper metal precipitate), giving the appearance of fading in color due to the formation of a solid copper instead of a colored solution.

If solid copper sulfate is mixed with water what is formed?

When solid copper sulfate is mixed with water, it dissolves to form a blue-colored solution. This solution is a solution of copper sulfate in water.

What reaction occurs from a mixture of CuO and concentrated HCl?

When copper(II) oxide (CuO) is mixed with concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl), a redox reaction takes place. The copper(II) oxide is reduced to copper(I) chloride (CuCl) or copper(II) chloride (CuCl2) depending on the stoichiometry of the reactants, while hydrogen gas (H2) is evolved. The overall reaction can be represented as CuO + 2HCl → CuCl + H2O or CuO + 2HCl → CuCl2 + H2O.

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What is formed when copper oxide and nitric acid is mixed together?

copper nitrate

What do you get if mix copper and oxygen?

When copper is mixed with oxygen, copper oxide is formed. The specific compound formed depends on the ratio of copper to oxygen present during the reaction.

Why does copper sulphate and sodium carbonate mixed together turn green?

When copper sulfate (blue) and sodium carbonate (colorless) are mixed, a chemical reaction occurs that forms copper carbonate as a product, which is green in color. The green color comes from the copper carbonate that is insoluble in water and precipitates out when the two solutions are mixed.

If solid copper sulfate is mixed with water what is formed?

When solid copper sulfate is mixed with water, it dissolves to form a blue-colored solution. This solution is a solution of copper sulfate in water.

Why does copper chloride solution appear to fade in color when mixed with aluminum?

When copper chloride solution is mixed with aluminum, a redox reaction occurs where the aluminum reduces the copper ions to form copper metal. This results in a color change from blue-green (copper chloride solution) to colorless (copper metal precipitate), giving the appearance of fading in color due to the formation of a solid copper instead of a colored solution.

What reaction occurs from a mixture of CuO and concentrated HCl?

When copper(II) oxide (CuO) is mixed with concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl), a redox reaction takes place. The copper(II) oxide is reduced to copper(I) chloride (CuCl) or copper(II) chloride (CuCl2) depending on the stoichiometry of the reactants, while hydrogen gas (H2) is evolved. The overall reaction can be represented as CuO + 2HCl → CuCl + H2O or CuO + 2HCl → CuCl2 + H2O.

How do you tell the difference between brass and copper?

The brass has much lighter color (yellowish to light reddish), then the copper (reddish brown). The brass is copper mixed with zinc. The more copper in the mix, the darker the color.

How do you turn a stainless silver spoon into a copper spoon?

copper sulfate, or Cu(SO4)(aq). The first clue we have that it is, in fact, copper sulfate is its reaction with the ammonia solution. When the deep blue color formed(in the reaction), the solution formed is [Cu(NH3)4](OH)2(aq), which gives off a bluish color. Secondly, upon acidification of [Cu(NH3)4](OH)2(aq), we see the solution become practically colorless again, The third clue when potassium ferrocyanide is mixed with copper sulfate, it also forms a red precipitate. And last but not least, when copper sulfate reacts with steel, which is primarily iron, copper is formed. This is why the steel changed to a bronze like metal.mystery=copper sulfate

What happen when copper sulfate mixed with ammonia?

When copper sulfate is mixed with ammonia, a deep blue precipitate of copper hydroxide forms. This reaction occurs due to the ammonia forming a complex with the copper ions in the copper sulfate solution.

How does chlorine explode when mixed with water?

Chlorine can react with water to produce a mixture of hydrochloric acid and hypochlorous acid. If the reaction is not controlled, the buildup of these acidic compounds can create a rapid release of gas, causing an explosive reaction. This is why chlorine should always be handled and mixed with water carefully in controlled environments.

What color effervescense when sulfuric acid and copper oxide are mixed?

When sulfuric acid and copper oxide are mixed, the effervescence produced is colorless. This effervescence is due to the formation of water from the reaction between the acid and the oxide. The reaction also produces copper sulfate, which is a blue solution, but the effervescence itself is not colored.

What happens when copper chloride is mixed with iron?

When copper chloride is mixed with iron, a redox reaction occurs where the copper ions in the copper chloride are reduced to copper metal, while the iron is oxidized to iron(II) chloride. This results in a displacement reaction where the iron displaces the copper from the chloride ions. The iron chloride formed is a greenish color.