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Yellow and magenta combine to make red.

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Q: What color does yellow and magenta make?
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What color do magenta and yellow make?

Magenta and yellow combine to make red.

What color magenta and yellow make?

Magenta and yellow make RED Color

What color is formed when yellow and magenta are mixed together?

When yellow and magenta are mixed together, they form the color red. Yellow and magenta are subtractive primary colors that, when combined, absorb all wavelengths of light except for red, which is reflected back to our eyes, creating the perception of the color red.

What is the complementary colors of magenta and yellow?

The complimentary color of magenta is green. The complimentary color of yellow is blue. :-)

What two colors do you need to make red?

You need magenta and yellow to make red. By mixing magenta (a primary color) with yellow (a secondary color), you can create red.

What happens when magenta is mixed with yellow?

When magenta is mixed with yellow, it creates the color red.

What colors make magenta?

Magenta is a primary color; you can't mix other colors together to create it. The three true primary colors are: Magenta Cyan Yellow These correspond to the old color wheel designations of Red, Blue and Yellow.

What color mixed with yellow can make red?

Mixing yellow with magenta can create a shade of red.

Which is not a primary color of pigment yellow green cyan or magenta?

Yellow is not a primary color of pigment. The primary colors of pigment are magenta, cyan, and yellow.

What color do you get if you mix the color yellow and magenta?

If mixing paint or ink, you get red, but why don't you try it and see?

If you mix magenta and yellow what do you get?

Mixing magenta and yellow together will create the color red. Magenta and yellow are primary colors that can be combined to produce a secondary color, which in this case is red.

What colour does magenta and cyan and yellow make?

Magenta, cyan, and yellow are the primary colors used in color printing. When combined, they create a neutral gray or black color, depending on the proportions of each color. This phenomenon is known as subtractive color mixing.