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When copper reacts with acetic acid, copper acetate is formed. Copper acetate is a dark greenish-blue colour.

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Copper can turn greenish-blue when it reacts with acetic acid due to the formation of copper(II) acetate, which is a blue-green compound. This color change is a result of the oxidation of copper metal to copper ions in the presence of acetic acid.

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Q: What color does copper become when it reacts with acetic acid?
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When copper sulphate reacts with iron what colour does it turn?

When copper sulphate reacts with iron, the solution turns blue due to the formation of copper ions in the solution. This is because copper is displaced from the copper sulfate and iron sulfate is formed, leading to the blue color of the solution.

What color formed when copper mixed with chlorine in water?

When copper reacts with chlorine in water, a greenish-blue color is formed, which is due to the formation of copper(II) chloride.

When copper chloride reacts with aluminum why does the color of the solution seem to fade?

When copper chloride reacts with aluminum, the aluminum replaces the copper in the compound through a single displacement reaction. The resulting compound formed, aluminum chloride, is colorless in solution. Therefore, the color of the solution appears to fade as the copper is displaced and the products of the reaction are colorless.

How are the properties of copper acetate different from the properties of the properties of vinegar?

Copper acetate is a compound of copper and acetic acid, whereas vinegar is primarily acetic acid dissolved in water. Copper acetate is a solid with a blue-green color, while vinegar is a clear liquid. Copper acetate is often used in chemistry experiments and as a catalyst, whereas vinegar is commonly used in cooking and cleaning.

Is copper turning green when expose to environment a chemical change and why?

Yes, the green patina that forms on copper is a chemical change called oxidation. When copper reacts with oxygen and moisture in the air, it forms copper oxide and then copper carbonate, creating the green color seen on aged copper surfaces.

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What color would appear when zinc reacts to acetic acid?

No specific colour only white ppts. are formed

When copper sulphate reacts with iron what colour does it turn?

When copper sulphate reacts with iron, the solution turns blue due to the formation of copper ions in the solution. This is because copper is displaced from the copper sulfate and iron sulfate is formed, leading to the blue color of the solution.

What color formed when copper mixed with chlorine in water?

When copper reacts with chlorine in water, a greenish-blue color is formed, which is due to the formation of copper(II) chloride.

Why does copper sulphate turn blue when water is added?

The copper sulfate reacts with the water, creating a new substance with a different color.

When copper chloride reacts with aluminum why does the color of the solution seem to fade?

When copper chloride reacts with aluminum, the aluminum replaces the copper in the compound through a single displacement reaction. The resulting compound formed, aluminum chloride, is colorless in solution. Therefore, the color of the solution appears to fade as the copper is displaced and the products of the reaction are colorless.

How does the statue of liberty's change relate to science?

There is a thin copper sheeting over the iron frame of the statue. The copper changes color due to the sea air from a copper color to a green. That is a chemical reaction when the salt in the sea air reacts to the copper.

Is copper turning green when expose to environment a chemical change and why?

Yes, the green patina that forms on copper is a chemical change called oxidation. When copper reacts with oxygen and moisture in the air, it forms copper oxide and then copper carbonate, creating the green color seen on aged copper surfaces.

How are the properties of copper acetate different from the properties of the properties of vinegar?

Copper acetate is a compound of copper and acetic acid, whereas vinegar is primarily acetic acid dissolved in water. Copper acetate is a solid with a blue-green color, while vinegar is a clear liquid. Copper acetate is often used in chemistry experiments and as a catalyst, whereas vinegar is commonly used in cooking and cleaning.

What signs of a reaction are there between iron and copper oxide?

When iron reacts with copper(II) oxide, a redox reaction occurs. The iron reduces the copper(II) ions in the copper oxide, resulting in the formation of iron(II) oxide and elemental copper. The iron will appear to turn black as it reacts with the copper oxide, while the copper formed will have a reddish-brown color.

What happens to iron when it reacts with copper sulfate?

When iron reacts with copper sulfate, a displacement reaction occurs. The iron displaces copper from the copper sulfate solution, forming iron sulfate and copper metal as products. This reaction can be observed by a color change in the solution from blue (copper sulfate) to greenish-brown (iron sulfate).

When copper chloride reacts with aluminumm why does the color of the copper chloride solutioon seem to fade?

The reaction between copper chloride and aluminum forms aluminum chloride and copper metal. As the copper metal is formed, it precipitates out of the solution, causing the color of the copper chloride solution to fade. This happens because the copper ions are now in the solid copper metal form instead of the solution.

How did Statue of Liberty tuned green?

The outside skin of the Statue of Liberty is made of copper. When it was first made it was the color of a penny. Over time the copper reacts with the water in the air to formal compounds that are green-blue in color.