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When you mix cyan, magenta, and yellow ink together, you get a shade of black. This is because these three colors are the subtractive primary colors and combine to absorb light and create a darker hue.

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Q: What color do you get when you mixed cyan and magenta and yellow ink?
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Which is not a primary color of pigment yellow green cyan or magenta?

Yellow is not a primary color of pigment. The primary colors of pigment are magenta, cyan, and yellow.

What are the three primary subtractive colors or primary pigments What happens when they mix?

The three primary subtractive colors or primary pigments are cyan, magenta, and yellow. When mixed together, they produce black.

What colors mixed make red?

It can't be done, because red is at one extreme end of the visible spectrum.AnswerRed is a primary color (like blue and yellow) and therefore, there is no combination of colors that will produce it.Wrong. My color printer for my computer mixes magenta and yellow to make red.Red is no longer a primary color for pigments. Neither is blue. You are using obsolete color theory that was used before the colors magenta and cyan were available.The correct primaries are magenta, yellow, and cyan.

Where do you get the 3 primary colors cyan magenta and yellow?

From the color wheel.

What are magenta and cyan?

Magenta and cyan are two of the four primary colors used in printing and color reproduction. When combined with yellow and black, they create a wide range of colors in the CMYK color model. Magenta is a purplish-red color, while cyan is a greenish-blue color.

What color do red light and green light form?

Brown. Here's why. Green is a combination of yellow and cyan (aka blue). Red is close to magenta; it is magenta with a little yellow mixed in. Thus green + red is a combination of all three primary colors: magenta, yellow and cyan. The combination would thus lead to a brownish color, since browns are what you tend to get when you mix all three primary colors. Short primer. Magenta, yellow and cyan (blue) are primary colors. Orange is an equal mix of magenta and yellow. Green is an equal mix of yellow and cyan. Red is a mix of orange and magenta.

What color is made after mixing cyan and red light?

Magenta is created when cyan and red light are mixed together. This is because magenta is a secondary color that is produced when two primary colors (cyan + red) are combined.

The primary colors of pigment are yellow magenta and what?

The primary colors of pigment are yellow, magenta, and cyan.

Which of the following is not a primary color of pigment yellow green cyan or magenta?


What are the different primary color?

Red, blue and green

What can be mixed with yellow to give red?

Mixing yellow with magenta or a small amount of cyan can create shades of red.

What colour does magenta and cyan and yellow make?

Magenta, cyan, and yellow are the primary colors used in color printing. When combined, they create a neutral gray or black color, depending on the proportions of each color. This phenomenon is known as subtractive color mixing.