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A box of oatmeal primarily contains elements such as carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, which make up the organic compounds in the oats. It may also contain minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, and iron, which are essential for human health.

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Q: What chemical elements are in a box of oatmeal?
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What chemical elements are found in oatmeal?

Facebook Magnesium H202

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What is the formula for oatmeal?

Oatmeal is not a compound with a definite chemical formula; it is a mixture of materials.

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No, mixing brown sugar into oatmeal is a physical change, not a chemical change. The brown sugar and oatmeal retain their original properties and can be separated back into their individual components. Chemical changes involve a rearrangement of atoms and the formation of new substances.

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The Guy On The Oatmeal Box Is William Penn.

Can you smoke oatmeal?

One could smoke oatmeal, but there would be no pleasurable effect, only smoke inhalation. Oatmeal has none of the chemical properties such as nicotine that makes the smoke of other substances pleasurable.

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The force that attracts chemical elements to other elements is known as the ionic bond. This will attract and hold chemical elements together.

What religion was practiced by the Pennnsylvania colony?

They were Quakers (like the guy on the oatmeal box).