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Litmus is a natural dye that changes color in response to acidity. When litmus is blue, it indicates the substance is basic (pH greater than 7). When litmus turns red, it signifies the substance is acidic (pH less than 7).

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Q: What changes litmus from blue or red?
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What changes red litmus blue?

Any acid will turn blue litmus paper red.

What does an acid do to blue litmus?

If a substance changes the color of a blue litmus paper to red, it is acidic blue to red

What does basic do to blue litmus?

base changes red litmus blue. it retains the blue colour of blue litmus paper.

What color is litmus paper when dipped into an alkaline solution?

blue litmus remains blue while red litmus changes to blue

Do acids turn red litmus blue?

No, acids turn blue litmus paper red. Acids have a pH below 7, which makes them able to change the color of blue litmus paper to red.

Is there a substance that turns red litmus blue and blue litmus red?

Ammonia is a substance that turns red litmus paper blue and blue litmus paper red. This is because ammonia is basic and reacts with the indicator dyes in the litmus paper to create these color changes.

If red litmus is added to a alkali?

When red litmus is added to an alkali, its colour changes to blue. This is because an alkali is a base and has the property of turning red litmus paper or red litmus solution to blue.

What gas turns blue litmus paper red?

An acid solution turns blue litmus red.

What effect does an acid have on red litmus paper?

Litmus paper is an indicator that changes color when affected by the pH of certain chemicals. There are two colors to test the general pH of a solution. Alkaline solutions (bases) turn red litmus paper blue. Acidic solutions (acids) turn blue litmus paper red.

What do you observe when you dip blue litmus paper into solution with pH lees than 7?

Blue litmus paper will remain blue or possibly turn slightly red in a solution with a pH less than 7, indicating that the solution is acidic. This change occurs because blue litmus paper only changes color to red in acidic solutions.

Why no change in red litmus when placed in hydrochloric acid?

It is because the red litmus paper only changes its color (from red to blue) when exposed to any basic substance. Hydrochloric acid is acidic, thus there is no change in the color of the red litmus paper, although the acid would change the color of the blue litmus paper (pH paper that tests for acidity; changes from blue to red in the presence of acid)

Is red litmus paper an indicator?

Yes, red litmus paper is an indicator that changes color in the presence of acids. In acidic conditions, red litmus paper will turn blue.