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Nothing except using someone else's hair.

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3mo ago

False readings in hair drug testing can occur due to external contamination from drug residues in the environment or from cosmetic products. However, if you know you have been using drugs and get a negative result, it could be due to various reasons such as low drug concentrations or drug use occurring outside the detection window of the test. It is essential to follow the proper specimen collection and testing protocols to minimize the risk of false readings.

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Q: What cause false reading in hair testing when you no that you been doing drugs?
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Can you do drug testing without the person knowing it?

In most cases, it is illegal to conduct drug testing without the person's knowledge or consent. In the workplace, there are legal requirements for informing employees about drug testing policies. Some exceptions may exist in specific situations, such as post-accident testing or court-ordered testing.

What is the Major form in which drugs may be detected in the urine?

The major form in which drugs may be detected in urine is as metabolites. When drugs are broken down by the body, they are converted into metabolites which are then excreted in urine. Testing for these metabolites can indicate recent drug use.

What does it mean when a drug urinalysis is sent to lab for further testing?

When a drug urinalysis is sent to a lab for further testing, it means that the initial screening test detected the presence of drugs or their metabolites in the sample. The lab will then perform a more specific and accurate test, such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, to confirm the presence of drugs and quantify the levels present.

Will a hair relaxer help get drugs out of your hair?

No, a hair relaxer will not remove drugs from your hair. Drug metabolites are typically stored within the hair shaft and can only be removed through specific detoxification methods or by cutting the hair.

What is Arc urine testing used for?

Arc urine testing is used to monitor levels of certain drugs, such as cocaine and marijuana, in a person's system. It is commonly employed in drug rehabilitation programs, probation monitoring, and workplace drug testing to ensure compliance with drug use policies. The results of arc urine testing can help gauge a person's drug use habits and potentially detect substance abuse issues.

Related questions

What can i do to pass a hair strand test?

The only way to reliably pass a drug test is to simply not do the drugs they are testing for.

How do people die doing drugs?

Some drugs affect heart rate or breathing and this cause deaths.

What do you think about testing new drugs on humans?

Provided the humans know what they are agreeing to, it is better than doing this on animals.

Can doing drugs damage brain?

Yes it can. High amount of any drugs can cause permanent damage to your brain.

How do you get rid of my parents drug tests?

I don't know...quit doing drugs and your parents might quit testing you, maybe?

Does genetic testing tell you what drugs work for your individual needs?

In some cases, yes. Depends on the therapy you're doing.

How do you pass a slavia drug test?

Dont do drugs...Sorry couldn't resist. I dont I used to do drug testing & at that time there was no way to "pass" or fool a slavia drug test.

What effects can drugs have?

there are many side effects that can occur when taking drugs. Different drugs will have different kinds of side effects. Many psychoactive drugs have differing effects based on the individual doing the drug's individual brain chemistry(which is as individual as is your fingerprint). Hallucinogens especially...

What is Drugs you can do while on drug testing?

A previous answerer wrote xanax, valium, mushrooms, acid. Any of these can be found with thorough testing. If you are subject to drug testing, just don't do drugs.

What governing body is not involved with approving testing and controlling a new drugs?

this governing body is NOT involved with approving, testing, and controlling new drugs

What drugs cause to people?

People can get into drugs if they are stressed and there life isn't going as well as they think it could or they could bet pressured into doing it by their friends who think it is cool.

What causes bipolar disease?

It's not a disease it's a state of mind and it is cause by trauma or doing drugs or when parents (meth) did heavy drugs while child was in womb.