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You can use alternatives like baking soda, washing soda, or citric acid for cleaning and laundry purposes. These alternatives can help with tasks such as removing stains, deodorizing, and boosting cleaning power.

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Q: What can you use if you don't have borax?
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Does Walmart carry borax?

no sadly walmart does not carry borax ive checked i was going to use it to preserve my fish skin from the fish i caught but they dont carry it :C

What is borax powder made of?

Borax powder, also known as sodium borate, is a naturally occurring mineral composed of sodium, boron, oxygen, and water. It is derived from evaporated deposits of seasonal lakes. Borax is commonly used as a cleaning agent, insecticide, and in various industrial processes.

How do you make gak without borax?

you just dont make it

How do you separate borax from water?

To separate borax from water, you can use evaporation. Simply heat the solution of borax and water until all the water evaporates, leaving behind the borax. You can then collect the solid borax that remains.

How do you use borax to kill ants?

To use borax to kill ants, mix equal parts borax and sugar to attract the ants. Place the mixture in areas where you have seen ant activity. The ants will be attracted to the sugar and take the borax back to their colony, which will eventually kill them.

Is borax safe to use in slime?

Borax can be safe to use in slime when used in small amounts and with adult supervision. However, excessive exposure to borax can be harmful, especially if ingested or inhaled. It is recommended to follow slime recipes carefully and avoid direct contact with borax.

Can you use borax to clean washing machine?

Yes, you can use borax to clean a washing machine. Mix 1/4 cup of borax with water to create a paste and then scrub the inside of the washing machine with it. Run a cycle with hot water to rinse out the borax residue.

Can you put borax in dishwasher?

No, it is not recommended to put borax in the dishwasher. Borax is a cleaning agent that may be too abrasive for the dishwasher and could damage the appliance. It is best to use dishwasher detergent specifically designed for use in dishwashers.

Is borax safe to use on lawn grass?

Borax can be harmful to lawn grass if applied in high concentrations. It is recommended to use borax sparingly and to follow proper application guidelines to avoid damaging the grass. Overuse of borax can lead to brown spots and stunting of plant growth.

Does the amount of borax change the slime?

Yes, it does! Because when you add more borax the solution will get stiffer and really hard to stir.. but when u dont add any borax the solution will be really liquidy and un stiff! ask me. i tried it :P

What can I use instead of borax to make slime?

You can use liquid starch, contact lens solution with saline, or laundry detergent with borax alternative as substitutes for borax to make slime. These alternatives are safe and will help create a similar slime consistency.

How do you use borax on carpet to kill fleas?

The borax will cause the fleas the release the grip on the carpet and when you vacumm they will be sucked up.