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Fluoride anions must equal a 2- charge.

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3mo ago

You can assume that the anions in copper II fluoride are fluoride ions (F-) because the compound's name indicates that it contains copper with a 2+ charge and fluoride with a 1- charge, requiring two fluoride ions to balance the charge of one copper ion.

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Q: What can you assume about the anions in the ionic compound copper II fluoride?
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The formula for cupric fluoride is CuF2. It consists of one copper (Cu) ion and two fluoride (F) ions.

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The ionic compound CuF2 is called copper(II) fluoride.

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Copper(II) fluoride, with the chemical formula CuF2. It is a solid compound that is white in color and is used in various industrial applications, including as a catalyst and in the production of other chemicals.

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No, copper sulfide (CuS) is a compound, an insoluble salt made of Cu2+ cations and S2- anions.

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CuF3 is copper(III) fluoride, a compound formed by the combination of copper and fluorine atoms. It is a rare and unstable compound that is highly reactive and can decompose easily into simpler compounds. Due to its instability, CuF3 is not commonly encountered in nature or in practical applications.

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The copper(II) fluoride has the formula CuF2.

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The copper(II) fluoride has the formula CuF2.

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Copper II fluoride is CuF2