Mixing yellow and red together will give you orange.
When red and yellow are mixed together, they create the color orange.
No color. Red, along with blue and yellow, are the three basic colors. No matter how hard you try, you can never get them by combining other colors, but you can combine them to get all the other colors.
The primary colors that can be mixed to create red are magenta and yellow.
Red and yellow mixed together make the color orange.
Mixing yellow and red together will give you orange.
Blue,red,and yellow will give you olive drab.
When red and yellow are mixed together, they create the color orange.
No color. Red, along with blue and yellow, are the three basic colors. No matter how hard you try, you can never get them by combining other colors, but you can combine them to get all the other colors.
The primary colors that can be mixed to create red are magenta and yellow.
Red and yellow mixed together make the color orange.
Red and yellow make orange when mixed together.
Red and yellow mixed together make the color orange.
Red and yellow mixed together typically result in the color orange.
Red and yellow make shades of orange when mixed. They are perfect orange when mixed in even amounts. The more red is in the color the darker the color will be.
Mixing red with yellow will create the color orange.
When magenta is mixed with yellow, it creates the color red.