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Oxygen is also transported into the body through the bloodstream by binding to hemoglobin in red blood cells. Hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to tissues and organs where it is needed for various cellular processes.

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Q: What brings oxygen into the body other than your lungs?
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Is carbon dioxide what you breathe in or out?

You breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Inhaling brings oxygen into your lungs, which is then absorbed by your blood for use by your body's cells. The carbon dioxide produced by your cells is carried back to your lungs and exhaled out of your body.

What two systems work together to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in your body?

The respiratory system and the circulatory system work together to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in your body. The respiratory system brings oxygen into the body through inhalation and removes carbon dioxide through exhalation, while the circulatory system transports oxygen from the lungs to the cells and tissues of the body and carries carbon dioxide back to the lungs to be exhaled.

How does the respiratory system bring in oxygen for the body?

The respiratory system brings in oxygen through the process of inhalation. When you breathe in, air is drawn into your lungs where oxygen is transported into the bloodstream through tiny blood vessels called capillaries in the alveoli. This oxygen is then carried to cells throughout the body to support their functions.

Is there more oxygen in your body or lungs?

There is more oxygen in the lungs when you inhale air, while the oxygen is then transferred into the blood in the body to be transported to cells for energy production.

Which organ is responsible for taking oxygen into the body?

The lungs are responsible for taking in oxygen into the body. Through the process of breathing, oxygen is inhaled into the lungs where it is then transferred into the bloodstream to be carried throughout the body.

Related questions

What brings oxygen to the blood?

When you inhale, your breath is drawn into your lungs, and is exchanged for Carbon Dioxide. The oxygen is 'traded' for Carbon Dioxide from your blood vessels, which leaves the body when you exhale. In other words, inhaling brings Oxygen to your blood.

What brings in oxygen to the body?

The lungs are responsible for bringing oxygen into the body via inhalation. Edit by someone else: I think the blood carries it throughout ur body

Which body system delivers oxygen?

The respiratory system is responsible for delivering oxygen to the body through the process of breathing. Oxygen is inhaled into the lungs, where it is absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to cells throughout the body.

Why is the respiratory system dependent on circulating system?

The respiratory system draws oxygen into the lungs. The circulatory system moves blood into the lungs to pick up the oxygen and then brings the oxygen to cells in the rest of the body.

What tube carries oxygen to the lungs?

The trachea located in throat is the first tube that brings oxygen into the body. The bronchial tubes actually bring air into the lungs for oxygenation.

How do gases travel between the lungs and the body cell?

gas exchange occurs in the alveoli in the lungs where deoxygenated blood gets oxygen, that blood then goes to the heart and is pumped through the body through the aorta and the arteries, which brings oxygen to the body cells.

Is carbon dioxide what you breathe in or out?

You breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Inhaling brings oxygen into your lungs, which is then absorbed by your blood for use by your body's cells. The carbon dioxide produced by your cells is carried back to your lungs and exhaled out of your body.

Which two body systems interact in the lungs?

The respiratory system and the circulatory system interact in the lungs. The respiratory system brings oxygen into the body and removes carbon dioxide, while the circulatory system transports oxygen to cells and carries carbon dioxide back to the lungs to be exhaled.

What other places in the human body other than the Lungs and Heart is oxygen stored?

Lungs maybe

The respirtory system brings what into the body?

It brings oxygen to the body.

What organ takes oxygen into your body?

lungs take oxygen into your body

What is connected to the right side of the heart and brings blood depleted of oxygen back to the lungs.?

That is the Aorta. The main artery of the body.