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Jahneil Wray

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9mo ago

CIF (Chlorinated Isocyanurates) does not have a specific boiling point since it is a mixture of different chlorinated compounds. However, individual components of CIF such as sodium hypochlorite and cyanuric acid have boiling points of 100°C and over 300°C, respectively.

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Q: What boiling point does CIF has?
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How is boiling different from boiling point?

Boiling is the phase where the boiling occurs. The point at which the boiling occurs is the boiling point.

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there is no boiling point

Is the boiling point a negative number for neon?

Whether or not the boiling point of neon is negative depends on the temperature scale used to describe the boiling point. If the boiling point is given in Celsius or Fahrenheit, the boiling point is negative. However, in Kelvin, which cannot be negative, the boiling point is positive.

How does the boiling point of saltwater compare to the boiling point of freshwater?

The boiling point of saltwater is higher than that of freshwater. This is because adding salt increases the boiling point of water. The exact boiling point increase depends on the concentration of salt in the water.

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Which boils quicker liquid with high boiling point or liquid with low boiling point?

A liquid with a lower boiling point will boil quicker because it requires less energy to reach its boiling point compared to a liquid with a higher boiling point.

Full form of CIF?

CIF Common Intermediate Format (352 pixels by 288 lines, 30 fps; 1.22:1) CIF Cost, Insurance & Freight (shipping) CIF Cadet Information File CIF California Interscholastic Federation CIF Caltech Intermediate Form CIF Canadian Institute of Forestry (Institut Forestière du Canada) CIF Candidate Item File CIF Capital Improvement Fee CIF Capital Improvement Fund CIF Cargo, Insurance and Freight CIF Cash In Fist CIF Catalog Interchange Format CIF Cells In Frames CIF Center for Individual Freedom CIF Central Index File CIF Central Intelligence File CIF Central Issue Facility CIF Centre des Impôts Foncier (French land tax) CIF Centro Italiano Femminile (Italian Center for Women) CIF Certified International Financier CIF CINC In-extremist Force CIF CINC Initiative Fund (DoD) CIF Clutter Improvement Factor (radar) CIF Código de Identificación Fiscal CIF Collaboratory Interoperability Framework CIF Common Image Format CIF Common Imagery Interoperable Facility CIF Common Interchange Format CIF Computer Is Frozen CIF Conseil Information Formation CIF Conseil International des Femmes CIF Consolidated Incineration Facility CIF Consolidated Incinerator Facility CIF Consolidated Issue Facility CIF Constraint Induced Fracture CIF Construction Industry Federation (Ireland) CIF Construction Innovation Forum CIF Controller Information File (military air traffic control) CIF Coordinated Instrumentation Facility CIF Core Interface Function (interface between SAP R/3 system and APO) CIF Corporate Information Factory CIF Corps Information Flow CIF Cost plus Incentive Fee (contract) CIF Cost, Insurance & Freight (logistics) CIF Council of International Fellowship CIF Critical Input File CIF Cumulative Incidence Function (reliability) CIF Cumulative Intensity Function CIF Customer Information File CIF Customer Install Feature CIF Caltech Intermediate Format CIF Chapter Information CIF Cost Insurance and Freight CIF Customer Installable Feature CIF Customization Input File

Why does the boiling point of methylated spirits drop?

The boiling point of methanol is lower than the boiling point of ethanol.

What is boiling point of water called?

The boiling point of water is called 100 degrees Celsius.

How do you use boiling point in a sentence?

The boiling point is the temperature at which a substance boils. Different substances have different boiling points. The boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius. You have to have an accurate thermometer to measure boiling point.

What is plutonium boiling point?

the boiling point is 3235 and the melting point is 639.5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is the boiling point for germanium?

The boiling point is 2830.0 °C