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Rotate herbicides with different modes of action and use integrated weed management practices such as mechanical, cultural, and biological control methods in addition to herbicide applications. Additionally, proper application timing, rates, and techniques can help minimize the development of herbicide resistance in weeds.

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Q: What are two methods we can use to reduce the possibility of resistance to herbicides?
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Do chemists contribute to agriculture?

Yes, chemists contribute to agriculture by developing new pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides to improve crop yields and reduce environmental impacts. They also study soil composition, plant nutrition, and crop protection methods to enhance agricultural practices and sustainability.

What is the function of compensating leads in the platinum resistance thermometer?

Compensating leads help to reduce errors in temperature measurement by minimizing the impact of lead resistance on the overall measurement. They are made of the same material as the sensor to maintain consistency in resistance, ensuring accurate temperature readings.

Can terminal velocity be changed?

Terminal velocity is determined by several factors including an object's shape, size, and weight, as well as external forces like air resistance. Terminal velocity can be altered by changing these factors, such as by increasing or decreasing an object's weight or by adjusting its shape to reduce air resistance.

How do you reduce the nitrogen oxide?

To reduce nitrogen oxide emissions, one can use techniques such as selective catalytic reduction (SCR), exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), or lean burn combustion. These methods help to convert nitrogen oxides into less harmful substances like nitrogen and water vapor. Regular maintenance of vehicles and equipment can also help reduce nitrogen oxide emissions.

How can you get people to stop spraying roundup?

One approach is to educate people about the potential harmful effects of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, on human health and the environment. Providing them with safer and more sustainable alternatives for weed control can also help reduce their reliance on Roundup. Additionally, encouraging policy changes at the local or national level to restrict the use of glyphosate-based herbicides can have a lasting impact.

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You can reduce the resistance in a wire by increasing the cross-sectional area of the wire, using a material with lower resistivity, or shortening the length of the wire. These methods can help to lower the resistance and improve the flow of electric current.

An example of biotechnology?

One example of biotechnology is the use of genetic engineering to create genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture. This technology allows for the introduction of new traits into plants, such as resistance to pests or herbicides, which can improve crop yield and reduce the need for chemical inputs.

How do you reduce the air resistance of skater?

To reduce air resistance while skating, skaters can streamline their body position by bending forward slightly to reduce the surface area exposed to airflow. Skating in a low crouch position can also help reduce air resistance. Additionally, wearing aerodynamic clothing and equipment can further minimize air resistance.

Do chemists contribute to agriculture?

Yes, chemists contribute to agriculture by developing new pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides to improve crop yields and reduce environmental impacts. They also study soil composition, plant nutrition, and crop protection methods to enhance agricultural practices and sustainability.

Why we connect high resistance in series to a motor?

Reduce current - reduce power.

After shaving the head is there any possibility to reduce grey hair?


What can reduce the effect of air resistance?

Reducing the speed of the object or increasing its surface area can help reduce the effect of air resistance. Streamlined shapes and smooth surfaces can also minimize air resistance.

What is a six letter word that means to shrink?

The word reduce is one possibility.

What can be used to reduce to current in a circuit?

A: Any resistance added in series will reduce the current unfortunately will also reduce the voltage

What can be used to reduce a current in a circuit?

A: Any resistance added in series will reduce the current unfortunately will also reduce the voltage

What are 3 ways to reduce resistance?

divide frequency

Why is streamlining used?

to reduce air resistance or drag.