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Sodium losses its electron to chlorine

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Two examples of elements that can undergo ionization are hydrogen (H) and sodium (Na). Ionization is the process where an atom gains or loses electrons, resulting in the formation of ions with a positive or negative charge.

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Q: What are two examples of elements that undergo the prosses of ionization?
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Can compound undergo chemical change to become elements how?

Compounds can undergo chemical changes to become elements through a process called decomposition. This typically involves heating the compound to break the bonds holding the atoms together, resulting in the formation of simpler substances such as elements or other compounds. The decomposition reaction will vary depending on the compound and the conditions under which it is heated.

What kind of reaction does oxygen undergo fusion or fission?

Oxygen undergoes fusion reactions in the cores of massive stars, where it can fuse into heavier elements. Oxygen does not undergo fission reactions naturally.

What is stable elements?

Stable elements are elements that do not undergo radioactive decay or naturally decay into other elements. These elements have a stable configuration of protons and neutrons in their nucleus, making them relatively unchanging over time. Examples of stable elements include carbon-12, oxygen-16, and neon-20.

Which of the fallowing can undergo sublimation carbon or sodium or oxygen or iodine?

Iodine can undergo sublimation, a process where a substance transitions from a solid directly to a gas without passing through the liquid phase. Carbon can also undergo sublimation under specific conditions. Sodium and oxygen do not typically undergo sublimation.

What elements can be used in nuclear power plants?

Uranium and plutonium are the most commonly used elements in nuclear power plants. These elements undergo nuclear fission, releasing energy in the form of heat, which is then used to produce electricity.

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What group of atoms on the periodic table is stable and therefore do not undergo ionization?

Group 18, starting with Helium

Does all elements undergo nuclear decay?


Examples of a sentence with the word undergo in it?

The doctor was about to undergo surgery. The farmer was about to undergo harvesting. The builder was about to undergo the tall sky tower. I think you would undergo the point by now. :)

Fusion is to fuse as fission is to what?

There is no exact analog. Fissure would be the most strictly correct, but typically use of the word "undergo" is preferred.Examples:Heavy elements more easily undergo fission.Heavy elements more easily fissure.Fusions however works as well both ways.Lighter elements more easily undergo fusion.Lighter elements more easily fuse.

Do elements tend to undergo chemical reactions that decrease stability?

Elements tend not to undergo chemical reactions that decrease stability. Chemical reactions typically result in products that are more stable than the reactants involved. Elements tend to form compounds to achieve a more stable electron configuration.

Are all elements periodically change to become new element s?

No. Only radioactive elements, which undergo radioactive decay can change to different elements.

What are the advantages to ionization of amino acids?

Ionization of amino acids can increase their solubility in water, enhance their reactivity in chemical reactions, and enable them to interact with other charged molecules in biological systems. This ionization can also influence the overall structure and function of proteins and peptides in the body.

What is energy produced by splitting the nuclei of certain elements?

Nuclear energy is produced by splitting the nuclei of certain elements in a process called nuclear fission. This process releases a large amount of energy in the form of heat, which can be used to generate electricity in nuclear power plants. Examples of elements that can undergo nuclear fission include uranium and plutonium.

Why do not compounds undergo electrolysis?

Compounds do not undergo electrolysis because electrolysis is the process of using an electric current to decompose a compound into its constituent elements. Compounds are already in a stable form, so they do not break down into their component elements without an external source of energy, such as an electric current.

What are elements with no stable isotopes called?

Elements with no stable isotopes are called radioactive elements. These elements spontaneously undergo radioactive decay, which leads to the formation of stable isotopes over time.

What are the examples of bases?

Bases are substances that can undergo neutralization reactions with acids. Hydroxides of Group 1 and 2 can be given as examples for bases.

Examples of a sentence with the word undergo?

Even though the cancer is in remission, he still has to undergo chemotherapy to help ensure that it does not come back.You have to undergo stringent training, tests, and background checks before you can become an FBI agent.