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neutralization, ion formation, displacement...

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

Bases are commonly used in chemistry to neutralize acids, regulate the pH of solutions, and to catalyze certain chemical reactions. They can also be used as electrolytes in batteries and to clean and degrease surfaces due to their ability to react with and break down fats and oils.

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Q: What are the uses of bases in chemistry?
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What are the uses of bases?

bases used in toothpaste, cleaning products, soap and stuff to remove germs from stoves or grills

Is it true that many of the uses of bases take advantage of their ability to react with acids?

Yes, many uses of bases involve their ability to react with acids to form salts and water. Bases are often used in neutralization reactions to control pH levels, in the production of soaps and detergents, and in industries such as wastewater treatment.

What are the uses of a burret tube in the chemistry lab?

A burette tube is used in the chemistry lab to accurately measure and dispense precise volumes of liquids during titrations and other chemical experiments. It allows for controlled addition of a titrant to a solution being analyzed, making it a crucial tool for quantitative analysis in chemistry.

What types of bases exist in chemistry?

In chemistry, bases can be categorized as either strong or weak. Strong bases completely dissociate in water to release hydroxide ions, such as NaOH. Weak bases partially dissociate in water to release hydroxide ions, such as NH3. Additionally, bases can also be classified as organic or inorganic based on their chemical composition.

What are the differences between bases and alkali in chemistry?

Bases are substances that can accept protons according to the BrΓΈnsted-Lowry definition, while alkalis are bases that are soluble in water. Essentially, all alkalis are bases, but not all bases are alkalis. Alkalis typically release hydroxide ions in solution, while bases may or may not release hydroxide ions depending on their solubility in water.

Related questions

What is uses acid and bases?

Acids and bases are used in cooking (lemon juice & baking soda), chemistry (sulfuric acid and etc), and cleaning (bleach & soaps).

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The uses of scientific notation in chemistry are to compute very large or very small numbers.

What is green chemistry?

a type of chemistry class that that uses enviorment safe materials

What is KB in chemistry?

kb is the Dissociation Constant for Bases.

What is chemistry and its uses?

A chemistry is a subject which deals with chemicals and solutions to create a new substance.

How do you use chemistry at work or home?

Chemistry is everything. The computer you used to ask this question uses Chemistry in some way.

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What important uses does fermium have?

No uses, only for research in nuclear chemistry laboratories.

What are the uses of chemistry in your lives?

because chemistry is also can try!w/o chemistry is nothing is to live the earth!!really really chemistry is also need to our body.

Many of the uses of bases take advantage of their ability to react with what?

Bases react with acids to form salts and water. This property is exploited in various applications, such as neutralizing acidic solutions in chemistry, regulating pH levels in agriculture, and controlling acidity in food processing.

What are the uses of chemistry in your life?

study graduate and be a professor.