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The three steps to a chain reaction are initiation, propagation, and termination. Initiation involves the initial trigger or activation of the reaction. Propagation is the process by which the reaction continues to spread through the system. Termination signifies the end of the reaction as the reactants are consumed or conditions change.

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Q: What are the three steps to a chain reaction?
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What are the steps to a chain reaction?

A chain reaction typically involves three steps: initiation, propagation, and termination. During initiation, the reaction is triggered by an initial event. In propagation, products from the initial reaction continue to react, creating more products. Termination occurs when the reaction eventually stops due to the depletion of reactants or other factors.

Who invented chain reaction?

The concept of a chain reaction was first described by Hungarian physicist Leó Szilárd in 1933. He later patented the idea of a nuclear reactor based on a self-sustaining chain reaction. The first controlled nuclear chain reaction was achieved by a team of scientists led by Enrico Fermi in 1942 as part of the Manhattan Project.

Neutrons released in a fission reaction can strike other nuclei and cause?

further fission reactions, leading to a chain reaction. This process releases more neutrons, producing a large amount of energy. Controlling the rate of the chain reaction is crucial for nuclear power generation and atomic weapons.

What is the reaction that links monomers to form a chain?

Polymerization is the reaction that links monomers to form a chain. This process involves the repetitive bonding of monomer units to form a longer chain molecule known as a polymer.

Do chain reaction takes place in nuclear reactor?

Yes, chain reactions take place in nuclear reactors. In a nuclear reactor, the chain reaction involves the splitting of uranium atoms (fission) which releases energy and more neutrons, leading to further fission reactions. Control rods are used to regulate and maintain the chain reaction at a steady rate.

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What are the steps to a chain reaction?

A chain reaction typically involves three steps: initiation, propagation, and termination. During initiation, the reaction is triggered by an initial event. In propagation, products from the initial reaction continue to react, creating more products. Termination occurs when the reaction eventually stops due to the depletion of reactants or other factors.

What is the duration of The Chain Reaction?

The duration of The Chain Reaction is 1.53 hours.

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there are three. glycolysis, the Krebs Cycle, and the electron transport chain.

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What is necessary sustain a nuclear chain reaction?

In a chain reaction, neutrons released during the splitting of an initial nucleus trigger a series of nuclear fissions.

When was Chain Reaction - radio - created?

Chain Reaction - radio - was created in 1991.

When was The Chain Reaction created?

The Chain Reaction was created on 1980-09-25.

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The Production Budget for Chain Reaction was $55,000,000.

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When was Chain Reaction - John Farnham album - created?

Chain Reaction - John Farnham album - was created on 1990-09-24.

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What is a organized series of reaction steps in which membrane-bound arrays of enzymes and other molecules give up and accept electrons in turn?

This is a description of the electron transport chain, which is part of cellular respiration in eukaryotic cells. It involves a series of protein complexes located in the inner mitochondrial membrane that transfer electrons and pump protons to generate ATP. This process is essential for producing energy for the cell.