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An acid-base neutralization is not a specific reaction, but rather a category of chemical reactions. The two reactants are, as the name would suggest, an acid and a base. When they react, they form water, and a salt. Salt, in this sense, is used as a inclusive term for the ionic compound formed. It is not always table salt (NaCl).

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3mo ago

The reactants in an acid-base neutralization reaction are an acid and a base. The acid donates a proton (H+) and the base accepts a proton to form water and a salt as the products.

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Q: What are the reactants in an acid base neutralization reaction?
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Are reactants in a neutralization reaction acid or base?

Reactants in a neutralization reaction typically include an acid and a base. The acid donates a proton (H⁺ ion) and the base accepts the proton to form water and a salt.

What is the best describes a neutralization reaction?

A neutralization reaction has as reactants a base and an acid and as products water and a salt.

Which do the following best describes a neutralization reaction?

A neutralization reaction has as reactants a base and an acid and as products water and a salt.

Is acid and base reactant or a product?

They can be both reactants AND products:When reacting together they start as reactants: acid A + base BAfter they have reacted the are transformed to products: conjugative base (BA, derived from A) and acid (AB, derived from B) respectively.

The reaction between an acid and a base is called?

the name of this reaction is often used as neutrilization reaction.because when acid and base reacts they loss there acidity and basicity and form water and

In a neutralization reaction are the metal and a non-metal the reactants?

In a neutralization reaction, the reactants are typically an acid (which donates a proton) and a base (which accepts a proton), rather than a metal and a non-metal. The reaction between an acid and a base results in the formation of a salt and water.

What are the reactants and products in a neutralization reaction?

In a neutralisation reaction, an acid and a base will react to form a salt and water. This salt will be either acidic, basic or neutral depending upon the pH of the reactions. General rules:weak acid + strong base → basic salt + waterstrong acid + weak base → acidic salt + waterstrong acid + strong base → neutral salt + waterweak acid + weak base → neutral salt + water

A reaction between an acid and a base is both a neutralization reaction and what other kind of reaction?

A reaction between an acid and a base is both a neutralization reaction and a type of double displacement reaction, where the cations and anions of the two reactants switch places to form new compounds.

What are the reactants between and acid and alkali?

When an acid reacts with an alkali, the reactants are an acid and a base. The acid donates a proton (H+) while the alkali accepts the proton, forming water and a salt as the products. This type of reaction is known as a neutralization reaction.

What two substances form from an acid -base neutralization?

In a typical acid-base neutralization reaction, water and a salt are formed. Water is always produced in neutralization reactions, while the specific salt formed depends on the reactants involved.

What is the reaction called when a acid and base react?

The reaction is called a neutralization reaction, where an acid and a base react to form salt and water.

In what reaction an acid and a base produce a salt and a water?

Called an 'acid base' reaction or a 'proton transfer' reaction.Only when a precipitate (of an insoluble salt) is formed, it is called a 'salt formation' reaction.