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Positives: Lots of it (oil & gas are "peaking" ie. beginning to run out, coal is not), usually less expensive than other fuels (depending on transport & labour costs), necessary in some processes such as metallurgical coal used in steelmaking, safer (less explosive) than other fuels (except where coal dust can become a hazard). Negatives: "dirty" ie contaminated with many pollutants, disease causing (black lung), harder to burn properly and completely (major source of NOx). More of coal's energy comes from carbon than for other fuels which, when burned releases CO2 (carbon dioxide). Since humans have always inhaled a small percentage of CO2, it was not considered a pollutant until the global warming theory displaced the global cooling theory as solar radiation cycles entered a warming phase. Since global warming advocates prefer a human over a solar causation and are in political control at present, political processes are putting pressure on coal generating plants and coal usage in general. For instance Ontario, Canada intends to phase out all coal fired power plants. Logically, coal is best used in central facilities where economics of scale can justify considerable efforts to minimize pollution (the bad stuff). Natural gas on the other hand is the cleanest and most distributable fuel and should be reserved for use in dispersed applications like homes. Oil based fuels are best suited to transportation systems. Coal may also be processed to make liquid fuels competing with oil when economic conditions are favourable.

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1mo ago

Positives: Coal is abundant and provides a reliable source of energy. It is relatively affordable compared to other energy sources.

Negatives: Coal is a major contributor to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, leading to environmental and health concerns. Mining and burning coal can also have negative impacts on ecosystems and water quality.

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Q: What are the positives and negatives are for using coal?
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What are the positives and negatives of Coal?

Positives: Coal is a reliable and affordable source of energy that can help to stabilize grid reliability and energy security. It is also widely available and can provide a consistent source of electricity. Negatives: Coal is a major contributor to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, leading to environmental and health concerns. Mining and burning coal also have significant impacts on land and water resources, including habitat destruction and water contamination.

What is a men who hews coal called?

A man who hews coal is typically called a "coal miner." This individual is responsible for extracting coal from underground mines using specialized tools and equipment.

What are Positive affects for using coal?

Positive effects of using coal include its abundance, reliability for power generation, and affordability compared to other energy sources. Coal also supports jobs in the mining and energy sector.

How would you find the density of a piece of coal?

To find the density of a piece of coal, you would first measure the mass of the coal using a scale. Next, you would measure the volume of the coal using displacement method or a caliper. Finally, divide the mass of the coal by its volume to calculate the density, which is typically expressed in g/cm³ or kg/m³.

What is coal reserve?

Coal reserves refer to the quantity of coal that can be technically and economically extracted from a coal deposit using current mining methods. It represents the economically recoverable portion of coal resources. Coal reserves play a vital role in energy security and future energy planning.

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