

What is the frequency of a blue light?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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13y ago

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The color red has a spectrum from 620 to 750 nm = 6.2 × 10-5 to 7.5 × 10-5 m = 4,835,362,225,806 Hz to 3,997,232,773,333 Hz. Scroll down to related links and look at "Visible spectrum - Wikipedia".

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16y ago
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13y ago

ColorFrequencyWavelengthviolet668-789 THz380-450 nmblue631-668 THz450-475 nmcyan606-630 THz476-495 nmgreen526-606 THz495-570 nmyellow508-526 THz570-590 nmorange484-508 THz590-620 nmred400-484 THz620-750 nm

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10y ago

Various ranges of wavelengths are considered to be 'indigo' according to different definitions. 455-460 nanometres might the average middle wavelength. The frequency of any electromagnetic radiation is the speed of light divided by the wavelength.

nanometre = 10-9 metres

299,792,458 m.s-1 / 455 x 10-9 m ~= 658885 x 109.sec-1

There's more about the colour indigo if you would like on its page on wikipedia.

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8y ago

1. Both red and blue light are part of the visible spectrum, this is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to (can be detected by) the human eye. Red light has a wavelength of 620-750nm and a frequency of 400-484THz. Blue light has a wavelength of 450-495nm and a frequency of 606-668THz.

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1mo ago

The frequency of blue light is typically around 610-670 terahertz, corresponding to a wavelength range of approximately 450-495 nanometers.

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13y ago

the frequency of a blue light is 7.5x10^14 Hz

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14y ago


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Red has a lower frequency than blue. Blue light has a higher frequency and shorter wavelength compared to red light.

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Blue light has a lower frequency than violet light. Violet light has the highest frequency in the visible spectrum, while blue light has a slightly lower frequency than violet light but higher than green light.

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Red light has a longer wavelength and lower frequency compared to blue light. Blue light has a shorter wavelength and higher frequency, which is why it appears bluer in color to the human eye.

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Blue light has a higher frequency than red light. When we see different colors, we are actually perceiving different wavelengths of light - blue light has a shorter wavelength and higher frequency than red light.

What is the frequencies of blue light?

The frequency of blue light is approx. 450 nm

How do the frequencies of blue light or red light compare?

Blue light has a higher frequency than red light. This means that blue light has shorter wavelengths and carries more energy compared to red light. Additionally, blue light is more likely to scatter in the atmosphere, leading to effects like blue skies during the day.

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The frequency of light decreases as you move from the blue region to the red region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Blue light has a higher frequency and shorter wavelength compared to red light.

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No, blue and red light travel at the same speed in the same medium, but they have different frequencies. Blue light has a higher frequency than red light.

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Blue light has the highest frequency among visible light colors.

In the light spectrum are red waves shorter than blue waves?

No, red waves have a longer wavelength than blue waves in the light spectrum. Blue light has a shorter wavelength and higher frequency than red light.

If a red light has a longer wave length than a blue light which one has a greater frequency?

the blue light