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Scientists use the following four questions to determine if a substance is a mineral: Is it naturally occurring? Is it inorganic? Does it have a crystalline structure? Does it have a definite chemical composition? If the substance meets these criteria, it can be classified as a mineral.

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Q: What are the four questions scientists use to decide if a substance is a mineral?
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How do you use litmus paper to decide a substance is an acid or a base?

Dip the litmus paper into the solution in question. If the paper turns red, the substance is acidic. If the paper turns blue, the substance is basic. If there is no color change, then the substance is neutral.

How do you know whether a homogeneous material is a pure substance?

If a homogeneous material has uniform properties throughout and cannot be separated into simpler substances by physical means, then it is likely a pure substance. Pure substances have a fixed chemical composition and distinct set of physical properties, regardless of the amount present.

What is a chemical formula of a substance?

A chemical formula is a representation of the elements present in a substance and the ratio of their atoms. For example, the chemical formula for water is H2O, showing that each molecule of water contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

Describe the trend of the curve graph of temperature vs solubility decide whether the solution process is endothermic or exothermic?

If the curve graph of temperature vs solubility is increasing, it indicates that solubility increases with temperature, suggesting an endothermic process. Conversely, if the curve is decreasing, it suggests that solubility decreases with temperature, indicating an exothermic process.

How did Mendeleyev finally decide to arrange his cards?

Dmitri Mendeleev decided to arrange his cards by organizing elements with similar properties into groups and leaving gaps for undiscovered elements. He then ordered the groups by increasing atomic weight, which led him to identify patterns and create the periodic table of elements.

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Judges decide questions of law. Juries decide issues of fact.

Who decides which scientists get paid?

The foundation or company that the scientists work for often decide. There are grants that they can work under to fund their own research.

What evidence do scientists have and what more do they need to decide DDT is safe?

It ISN'T safe.

How do scientists decide whether or not to reject or accept a hypothesis?

if the hypothesis is proven to be correct or incorrect

Why are you on wikiepeadia?

i like answering the questions, because it helps me decide my own problems out, why are you asking dumb questions? haha

Do scientist believe in superstitious beliefs?

Most scientists do not believe in superstitious beliefs. This is because they are not proven by facts. However scientists decide what they believe and don't believe.