

Best Answer
  • Lemon juice: pH around 2
  • Milk: pH around 6.5-6.7
  • Pure water: pH 7 (neutral)
  • Baking soda solution: pH around 9
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Q: What are the examples basics and their pH value?
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What are the basic properties of basics in chemistry?

pH value is higher than 7 and reacts with acids

What is the 5 pH value found in acid?

A pH value of 5 indicates that the substance is slightly acidic. This pH level suggests that the substance has a higher concentration of hydrogen ions than a neutral substance (pH 7) but lower than stronger acids. Examples of substances with a pH of 5 include coffee and tomatoes.

What is pH value of alkali?

The pH value of alkali substances is typically above 7, indicating that they are basic. Alkalis have a pH value greater than 7 but less than 14. Examples of alkalis include ammonia, sodium hydroxide, and potassium hydroxide.

What alkali has a pH value between 11 and 14?

A solution with a pH value between 11 and 14 is highly alkaline. Common examples of alkalis that can have such pH values are sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH).

What PH would be considered a strong base?

A strong base would have a pH value ranging from 10 to 14. Examples of strong bases include sodium hydroxide (pH 12-14) and potassium hydroxide (pH 12-14).

What can be used to get a pH value?

A pH meter or pH test strips can be used to measure the pH value of a solution. pH meters provide a numerical value of the pH, while pH test strips change color based on the pH level of the solution, allowing for an approximation of the pH value.

What is pH value of apple?

the pH value of apple is 3.60

What is the pH value of lemon juice?

The pH value of lemon juice is 2.about pH = 2 to 2.5

What is the pH of the strongest base on pH values?

The strongest base on the pH scale is typically around 14. This means that a strong base would have a pH value of 14. Examples of strong bases include sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH).

Who is the stronger acid one with a pH value of 1 or a pH value of 5?

pH of one is stronger

What pH value indicates an acid?

A pH value below 7 indicates an acidic solution.

What is the ph value of acids?

The pH value of acids is typically less than 7. Strong acids have a pH close to 0, while weak acids have pH values closer to 7. Examples of strong acids include hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid.