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Coal is classified according to its heating value and according to its relative content of elemental carbon. For example, anthracite contains the highest proportion of pure carbon (about 86%-98%) and has the highest heat value-13,500-15,600 Btu/lb (British thermal units per pound)-of all forms of coal. Bituminous coal generally has lower concentrations of pure carbon (from 46% to 86%) and lower heat values (8,300-15,600 Btu/lb). Bituminous coals are often sub-divided on the basis of their heat value, being classified as low, medium, and high volatile bituminous and sub-bituminous. Lignite, the poorest of the true coals in terms of heat value (5,500-8,300 Btu/lb) generally contains about 46%-60% pure carbon. All forms of coal also contain other elements present in living organisms, such as sulfur and nitrogen, that are very low in absolute numbers, but that have important environmental consequences when coals are used as fuels.

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Coal is primarily composed of carbon, along with varying amounts of hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen. The specific composition of coal can vary depending on its type (such as bituminous, anthracite, or lignite) and the location where it is mined.

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Is coal a black diamond?

No, coal and diamonds are two distinct substances. Coal is a fossil fuel formed from prehistoric plants, while diamonds are crystalline forms of carbon. Both may be used for various purposes, but they have different compositions and properties.

Can crude oil be found in coal?

No, crude oil is typically found in porous rock formations while coal forms from the compression of plant material over millions of years. The two resources have different origins and compositions, so crude oil is not found within coal deposits.

How are coal and limestone different?

Coal is a combustible sedimentary rock formed from the remains of plants and trees, used as a fuel source. Limestone is a sedimentary rock made mostly of calcium carbonate, used in construction and manufacturing. Both have different origins, compositions, and uses.

Can charcoal turn into coal?

Yes, charcoal is made by burning wood in a low-oxygen environment. Coal, on the other hand, is a naturally occurring fossil fuel formed from decaying plant matter under high pressure and heat over millions of years. While both charcoal and coal are carbon-based materials, they have different formation processes and chemical compositions.

Why do different types of coal have different compositions?

Different types of coal have different compositions due to variations in the amount of organic matter originally present in the plant material that formed each type of coal. Factors such as the amount of heat and pressure, as well as the time involved in the coal-forming process, influence the composition of the coal. These variations result in different levels of carbon, moisture, sulfur, and other elements in each type of coal.

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Is coal a black diamond?

No, coal and diamonds are two distinct substances. Coal is a fossil fuel formed from prehistoric plants, while diamonds are crystalline forms of carbon. Both may be used for various purposes, but they have different compositions and properties.

Can crude oil be found in coal?

No, crude oil is typically found in porous rock formations while coal forms from the compression of plant material over millions of years. The two resources have different origins and compositions, so crude oil is not found within coal deposits.

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Coal is a combustible sedimentary rock formed from the remains of plants and trees, used as a fuel source. Limestone is a sedimentary rock made mostly of calcium carbonate, used in construction and manufacturing. Both have different origins, compositions, and uses.

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Fixed or uniform compositions are characteristic of chemical compounds.

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Yes, charcoal is made by burning wood in a low-oxygen environment. Coal, on the other hand, is a naturally occurring fossil fuel formed from decaying plant matter under high pressure and heat over millions of years. While both charcoal and coal are carbon-based materials, they have different formation processes and chemical compositions.

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