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Anything that floats in water, including oxygen, helium, virtually any gas, bread (unless it's balled up), a piece of paper.

These things are all less dense than water.

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4mo ago

Ice, oil, and wood are some examples of substances that have a lower density than water. This means that they float when placed in water.

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Q: What are some things that have a lower density than water?
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What is the denser than water?

Substances that are denser than water include metals like lead, iron, and gold, as well as materials like mercury and some oils. These substances have a higher mass/volume ratio than water, causing them to sink when placed in water.

What metals have weight in water?

Metals that have a density greater than the density of water will sink in water, while metals that have a density less than water will float. For example, metals like lead, gold, and silver will sink in water, while metals like aluminum and lithium will float.

Does the amount of water effect its density?

The only way to change the mass of water would be to either add more of it (which wouldn't change it's density - density is an intensive property, not extensive) or to change the isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen in the water - thus getting "heavy water" such as is present as an intermediate materiel in the refining of tritium and as a moderator in some nuclear reactors.

When comparing the density of a solid or a liquid to the density of water what is the ratio called?

The ratio of the density of a substance to the density of water is called specific gravity. It is a unitless quantity that compares the density of a substance to the density of water at a specific temperature.

How does salt affect density?

When salt is dissolved in water, the mass of the water increases without a significant increase in volume, increasing the density of the solution. This is because the added salt molecules displace some of the water molecules and fill the space in between them, making the solution denser.

Related questions

Will a rock float in water why is it density?

Yes some rocks can float in water. And its determind by density because water density is (8 lbs per gallon and 1 gram per ML) If a rock is lower density then water it floats.

What makes some matter buoyant?

If the object or matter has a density lower than water does.

What all things float in water?

Objects that have a lower density than water will float, including wood, plastic, cork, and certain metals like aluminum. Additionally, some fruits and vegetables such as apples and cucumbers can also float due to their density being less than that of water.

Why do some item float higher on the water than other?

Items float higher on water if they are less dense than water, displacing a greater volume of water for the same weight. Objects with air pockets or a lower density material will tend to float higher than items with a higher density.

What object has a less density than water?

Objects that have a lower density than water will float. Some examples include wood, plastic, and oil.

Why do some things float and why do other things sink?

Things float when they are less dense than the liquid they are placed in, allowing them to displace an amount of liquid equal to their weight. Things sink when they are denser than the liquid, causing them to displace less liquid than their weight and therefore sink.

Why do some objects float in water and others don't?

Objects float in water if they have a density lower than water, while objects sink if they have a density higher than water. Density is a measure of how much mass per unit volume an object has. This is why objects like wood and plastic, which have lower density than water, tend to float, while objects like metal, which have higher density, tend to sink.

What makes some things float?

Density of the object and buoyancy of the water/liquid.

Does crystal float?

It depends on the type of crystal. Some crystals have a density higher than water and will sink, while others have a lower density and will float.

Why does some things float on water while others dont?

Some things float on water because they are less dense than water, creating buoyancy that allows them to stay afloat. Other things sink in water because they are denser than water, causing them to displace water and sink. Factors like shape, size, and weight can also affect whether something will float or sink in water.

What are two ways to compare the density of a unknown substance?

One way is using the formula D=m/v. Or you could get some water and put the substance inside the water and see if the density is lower or higher.

Why do some things float?

They are less dense than water. More dense things sink. Density refers to how tightly the atoms are packed.