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As an incendiary device it has military applications e.g. White Phosphorus. It is also used in fertalizers.

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 4mo ago

Phosphorus is primarily used in agriculture as a component of fertilizers to promote plant growth. It is also used in the production of detergents, toothpaste, and certain types of fire retardants. In addition, phosphorus is essential in the production of matches, metal coatings, and in the preparation of certain chemical compounds.

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Q: What are some things phosphorus is used for?
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What is the colour of the phosphorus allotrope in matches?

The phosphorus allotrope used in matches is red or yellow.

what contains nitrogen and phosphorus which are required by living things and which are used in industry?

Fertilizers contain nitrogen and phosphorus, which are essential nutrients for plant growth. These nutrients can also be found in wastewater, where they can contribute to eutrophication. In industry, nitrogen is used for ammonia production and phosphorus is used in the manufacturing of detergents and fertilizers.

Does liquid phosphorus fertilizer have the same properties as red phosphorus found in fireworks?

No, liquid phosphorus fertilizer and red phosphorus used in fireworks are different forms of phosphorus. Liquid phosphorus fertilizer is typically in the form of phosphoric acid or phosphates, which are used to provide plants with essential nutrients. Red phosphorus is a chemical compound with different properties and is used in pyrotechnics for its flammable properties.

Why Ammonium molybdate is used in test for phosphorus?

Ammonium molybdate is used in the test for phosphorus because it forms a yellow complex with phosphorus, which allows for the colorimetric determination of phosphorus levels. This reaction is commonly used in spectrophotometric methods to quantify phosphorus in various samples.

What things contain phosphorus?

Phosphorus can be found in various foods such as meat, dairy products, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. It is also commonly found in fertilizers, detergents, and some types of medications. Additionally, phosphorus is a key component of DNA and RNA in living organisms.

Related questions

What is the colour of the phosphorus allotrope in matches?

The phosphorus allotrope used in matches is red or yellow.

Is red phosphorus used in smoke or incediary or atomic nuclear war heads?

None of those. White phosphorus is used in some military smoke munitions that can also cause fires (incendiaries). Phosphorus is not used in nuclear weapons at all.

What are some uses for phosphorous?

Phosphorus is used in making fertilizers, and explosives.

Does liquid phosphorus fertilizer have the same properties as red phosphorus found in fireworks?

No, liquid phosphorus fertilizer and red phosphorus used in fireworks are different forms of phosphorus. Liquid phosphorus fertilizer is typically in the form of phosphoric acid or phosphates, which are used to provide plants with essential nutrients. Red phosphorus is a chemical compound with different properties and is used in pyrotechnics for its flammable properties.

Why Ammonium molybdate is used in test for phosphorus?

Ammonium molybdate is used in the test for phosphorus because it forms a yellow complex with phosphorus, which allows for the colorimetric determination of phosphorus levels. This reaction is commonly used in spectrophotometric methods to quantify phosphorus in various samples.

What is it called when phosphorus is used in the treatment of blood disorders?

when phosphorus is used in the treatment of blood disorders means then it is known as radio active phosphorus therapy.

What elements are used to make fertilizer?

Fertilizers contain multiple elements. The the ones usually singled out for specification are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

What things contain phosphorus?

Phosphorus can be found in various foods such as meat, dairy products, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. It is also commonly found in fertilizers, detergents, and some types of medications. Additionally, phosphorus is a key component of DNA and RNA in living organisms.

How can phosphorus be used in a sentence?


What are phosphorus's used for?

There are many uses of phosphorus such as: 1. Phosphates are used to make special glass which is used for sodium lamps 2. Plants needs phosphorus for nutrition. Thus, it is added in fertilizers; 3. Radioactive isotopes of phosphorus are used as radioactive tracers; 4. China ware are made up of calcium phosphate 5. Matchstick strikers are made up of phosphorus 6. Incendiary Bombs, Tracer Ammunition, and Smoke Screen are made up of white phosphorus 7. One compound of phosphorus called tributylphosphate is used for extracting uranium 8. DNA and RNA makes use of phosphorus 9. Phosphorus is also used in manufacturing steel 10. It is used as detergent (Sodium tripolyphosphate) 11. Used for manufacturing fertilizers, toothpaste, food additives and pesticides (0ther compounds of Phosphorus)

Is white phosphorus in smoke incendiary or atomic and nuclear warheads?

White phosphorus is often used in smoke grenades and artillery shells to create smoke screens on the battlefield, making it an incendiary substance. It is not used in atomic or nuclear warheads where the main destructive force comes from nuclear fission or fusion reactions.

What is a good sentence using the word phosphorus?

Red phosphorus is used in making matches.