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Oxygen mask may come to need in different situations. In emergency situations on airplanes, up on very high mountains, in accidents that distort respiratory system and in case of asthma.

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1mo ago

Some situations where a person would need an oxygen mask include during air travel at high altitudes, in emergency situations on airplanes that experience a loss of cabin pressure, or in medical emergencies where a person has difficulty breathing due to conditions like Asthma, pneumonia, or a collapsed lung.

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Q: What are some situations where a person would need an oxygen mask?
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What oxygen delivery devices provides the highest concentration of oxygen?

The oxygen delivery device that provides the highest concentration of oxygen is the non-rebreather mask, which can deliver oxygen concentrations of up to 90-95%. This mask is used in situations where a high concentration of oxygen is needed, such as during severe respiratory distress.

Can free flow oxygen be given by a self inflating mask?

A self-inflating mask does not deliver oxygen on its own. It requires a separate oxygen source such as an oxygen tank or concentrator to deliver oxygen to the user. The mask acts as a medium to deliver the oxygen to the person wearing it.

Would you need to bring a oxyen mask to venus and why?

Yes, you would need to bring an oxygen mask to Venus. Venus has an extremely thick atmosphere consisting mainly of carbon dioxide, with very little oxygen. Without an oxygen mask, it would be impossible to breathe on Venus.

What type of care would you provide for a person with an oxygen tubing and mask?

That's used to giving the person more oxygen. It doesn't need a particular type of care as such - but the environment should be kept fire safe in view of increased oxygen levels.

If you visited Pluto would you need to bring your own oxygen mask?

Yes, you have to.

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What respirator mask would you wear i a oxygen deficient atmoshere?

An N95 respirator mask with an exhalation valve is recommended in an oxygen-deficient atmosphere. This type of mask provides protection from airborne particles while allowing for easier exhalation. It is important to ensure that the mask fits properly to reduce the risk of exposure to harmful gases in low oxygen environments.

What is used with the oxygen mask?

The oxygen mask is typically used with either an oxygen tank or a wall-mounted oxygen supply in medical settings to deliver oxygen to individuals who are experiencing respiratory distress or low oxygen levels. The mask is connected to the oxygen source via tubing to provide a controlled flow of oxygen to the patient.

Why did the person put an oxygen mask when he got to the top of mount Everest?

Most climbers put an oxygen mask on well before reaching the summit of Mount Everest. They breathe extra oxygen because of the altitude of the mountain it is very thin air at that height which makes it very hard to breathe.

What percentage of oxygen is delivered by a simple mask?


What percentage of oxygen should be administered to a person suffering from CO poisoning?

Depending on the severity of the poisoning, 100% oxygen may be given with a tight fitting mask as soon as it is available.

Does Justin beaber were a mask?

I don't know if he ever does, but I don't think that Justin Bieber wears a mask in publicity situations.