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Physical changes are changes in something that affects the objects physical characteristics. Meaning things like the color, shape, amount. Example: cutting a piece of paper, painting a wall, etc.

Chemical changes change what the object is made of. It can change everything, including the state the object(or liquid) is in.

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Physical changes involve a change in the appearance of a substance without altering its chemical composition, such as melting or boiling. Chemical changes involve a transformation of the substance into a new one with different chemical properties, like rusting or burning. The main difference is that physical changes are reversible, while chemical changes are not easily reversible and involve the formation of new substances.

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Q: What are physical and chemical changes and how are they the same and how are they different?
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Compare the total amount of energy before and after physical and chemical changes?

In physical changes, the total amount of energy before and after remains the same as no new substances are formed. In chemical changes, there may be a difference in the total amount of energy before and after the reaction due to the formation of new substances and the breaking or forming of chemical bonds.

Are all physical changes accompanied by a chemical change?

No, physical changes involve a change in appearance, texture, or state of matter without altering the chemical composition of the substance. In contrast, chemical changes result in the formation of new substances with different chemical properties.

Is a chemical change easier to reverse then a physical change?

No, chemical changes are typically more difficult to reverse than physical changes. Chemical reactions involve the creation of new substances with different chemical properties, making it challenging to reverse the reaction and return to the original substances. Physical changes, such as changes in state or shape, usually involve rearranging the same particles and are more easily reversible.

Which property of matter changes during a chemical change but does not changes during a physical change?

The composition of matter changes during a chemical change as new substances are formed with different chemical properties. In contrast, the composition of matter remains the same during a physical change, with only the physical state or appearance of the substance being altered.

When matter undergoes a physical or chemical change the amount of mass changes or stays the same?

In physical changes, the amount of mass stays the same because no new substances are formed. In chemical changes, the amount of mass stays the same due to the law of conservation of mass, which states that mass cannot be created or destroyed, only rearranged into different substances.

Related questions

What is the same about physical changes and chemical changes?

they both change in same ways!

Compare the total amount of energy before and after physical and chemical changes?

In physical changes, the total amount of energy before and after remains the same as no new substances are formed. In chemical changes, there may be a difference in the total amount of energy before and after the reaction due to the formation of new substances and the breaking or forming of chemical bonds.

Are all physical changes accompanied by a chemical change?

No, physical changes involve a change in appearance, texture, or state of matter without altering the chemical composition of the substance. In contrast, chemical changes result in the formation of new substances with different chemical properties.

Would freezing an object be physical change or chemical change?

Physical changes and Chemical changes are both the same - this would be a reversible change.

Is a chemical change easier to reverse then a physical change?

No, chemical changes are typically more difficult to reverse than physical changes. Chemical reactions involve the creation of new substances with different chemical properties, making it challenging to reverse the reaction and return to the original substances. Physical changes, such as changes in state or shape, usually involve rearranging the same particles and are more easily reversible.

Does chemical and physical properties are probably the same?

No. Chemical and physical properties are different.

Which property of matter changes during a chemical change but does not changes during a physical change?

The composition of matter changes during a chemical change as new substances are formed with different chemical properties. In contrast, the composition of matter remains the same during a physical change, with only the physical state or appearance of the substance being altered.

Is it a physical or chemical change when a substance changes form but it remains the same substance?

It is a physical change. In physical changes, the substance's physical properties change (such as shape or state), but the chemical composition remains the same.

Do chemical changes affect the chemical structure of a substance?

Yes, chemical changes result in a change in the chemical structure of a substance. During a chemical change, new substances with different chemical compositions are formed through the rearrangement of atoms and bonds. This is in contrast to physical changes, where the chemical structure remains the same even though the physical properties may change.

What are the similarities between chemical and physical changes?

Both chemical and physical changes involve a transformation of matter. In physical changes, the substance's chemical composition remains the same, while in chemical changes, new substances are formed as a result of a chemical reaction. Both types of changes involve the absorption or release of energy.

Are reversible changes and physical changes the same?

Reversible changes and physical changes are not exactly the same. Reversible changes can be undone and the original substance can be recovered, while physical changes alter the appearance or state of a substance without changing its chemical composition. Physical changes are usually reversible, but not all reversible changes are physical changes.

When matter undergoes a physical or chemical change the amount of mass changes or stays the same?

In physical changes, the amount of mass stays the same because no new substances are formed. In chemical changes, the amount of mass stays the same due to the law of conservation of mass, which states that mass cannot be created or destroyed, only rearranged into different substances.