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Proteins, of course.

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Proteins are organic compounds made from amino acids that are the building blocks of life. Amino acids are linked together in specific sequences to form different proteins, which are essential for the structure and function of cells in organisms.

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Q: What are organic compounds made from amino acids that are the building blocks of life?
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Is meat organic compound monomers?

Yes, meat contains organic compound monomers such as amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, which are essential organic compounds found in meat.

What complex organic compounds where formed from the chemical combinations of these simple organic compounds called amino acids?

Amino Acids are considered the building blocks of proteins. Proteins are the basic molecular structures that lead to complex living forms.

What is the building block in a protein?

The building blocks of proteins are amino acids. Amino acids are organic compounds that contain an amine group, a carboxyl group, and a unique side chain. There are 20 different amino acids that can be combined in many different sequences to form proteins.

What is a sentence using the word amino acid?

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins found in all living organisms.

What are the three organic compounds used for?

Organic compounds are used for various purposes, including as building blocks for living organisms (such as DNA and proteins), as fuels (such as carbohydrates and fats), and as pharmaceuticals (such as amino acids and vitamins).

What are Amino acids also known as?

Amino acids are also known as the building blocks of proteins. They are organic compounds that combine to form proteins, which are essential for various biological processes in the body.

What are carbon compounds that are associated with living things called?

Carbon compounds associated with living things are called organic compounds. These molecules generally contain carbon-hydrogen bonds and are the building blocks of life, including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.

Which class does ATP belong to out of the four classes of organic compounds?

ATP belongs to the class of organic compounds known as nucleotides. Nucleotides are the building blocks of nucleic acids like DNA and RNA, and ATP is a specific type of nucleotide involved in cellular energy transfer.

Which organic compounds found in living things not energy rich?

Nuclear Acids and DNA

Which organic molecule is related to proteins?

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.

What early organic compounds were believed to exist first?

Early organic compounds believed to have existed first include amino acids, sugars, fatty acids, and nucleotides. These compounds are considered essential building blocks for the formation of life because they are involved in the structure of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids, which are fundamental components of living organisms.

Organic compounds that function in building tissues and acting as enzymes?

nucleic acids