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Alkaline Earth Metals

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Magnesium and calcium are examples of minerals that are essential for various bodily functions, including bone health, muscle contractions, and nerve function. They are both commonly found in foods like dairy products, leafy green vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

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Q: What are magnesium and calcium examples of?
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Can calcium displace from magnesium?

Yes, calcium can displace magnesium in certain chemical reactions. This is more likely to happen when calcium is in a higher oxidation state than magnesium, allowing it to take the place of magnesium in a compound or reaction.

What is the gas that reacts with calcium and magnesium when they burn?

The gas that reacts with calcium and magnesium when they burn is oxygen. This reaction forms calcium oxide and magnesium oxide as the products.

Would magnesium react with calcium nitrate?

no, it wouldn't calcium is above magnesium in the reactivity series which means that magnesium can't oxidize calcium. calcium can oxidize magnesium so calcium would react with magnesium nitrate with formation of metallic magnesium and calciumnitrate.

Would calcium nitrate and magnesium react?

Calcium nitrate and magnesium will not react since calcium is more reactive than magnesium and so, magnesium does not displace calcium (See Reactivity Series). However, if Calcium nitrate is in aqueous solution (dissolved in water), some bubbles may be seen when Magnesium is added to it, since the Magnesium would be reacting with the water and producing hydrogen bubbles.

How does the metal magnesium differ from the metal calcium in their reaction with water?

Magnesium reacts with water to produce magnesium hydroxide and hydrogen gas, while calcium reacts with water to produce calcium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. Both metals displace hydrogen from water due to their higher reactivity, but magnesium reacts more vigorously than calcium.

Related questions

What are 2 examples of alkaline earth metals?

calcium barium magnesium

What is examples of salts?

Examples of salts: silver chloride, sodium iodide, calcium chloride, uranyl nitrate, thorium tetrafluoride, magnesium sulfate, calcium phosphate etc.

What is two examples of minerals necessary for good health?

Well, they are all important but two examples would be calcium and magnesium.

What is the metal that is found in your body in ion form?

Examples: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium etc.

A list of examples of exothermic?

Dissolving magnesium chloride & calcium chloride in water is exothermic reaction

What are four examples of metal?

sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, aluminium, iron, cobalt, copper

Is calcium with magnesium better for you?

A mixed calcium and magnesium supplement (such as dolomite) is better than taking just calcium or just magnesium.

Can calcium displace from magnesium?

Yes, calcium can displace magnesium in certain chemical reactions. This is more likely to happen when calcium is in a higher oxidation state than magnesium, allowing it to take the place of magnesium in a compound or reaction.

What is the gas that reacts with calcium and magnesium when they burn?

The gas that reacts with calcium and magnesium when they burn is oxygen. This reaction forms calcium oxide and magnesium oxide as the products.

What is salt example?

Examples of salts: silver chloride, sodium iodide, calcium chloride, uranyl nitrate, thorium tetrafluoride, magnesium sulfate, calcium phosphate etc.

Would magnesium react with calcium nitrate?

no, it wouldn't calcium is above magnesium in the reactivity series which means that magnesium can't oxidize calcium. calcium can oxidize magnesium so calcium would react with magnesium nitrate with formation of metallic magnesium and calciumnitrate.

What 2 elements make water hard?

magnesium and calcium.