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A diamond, there is no specific name for a green colored diamond.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

Green diamonds are referred to as "green diamonds". They get their color from natural radiation exposure that causes defects in the diamond's crystal lattice, resulting in the green hue. They are one of the rarest colored diamonds in the world.

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Related questions

How are green diamonds made?

According to Wikipedia, green colour in natural diamonds is caused by exposure to radiation. Manufactured or enhanced diamonds may be coloured green using different methods.

What is green diamond called?

A green diamond is simply called a green diamond. It gets its green color due to natural radiation exposure during its formation process. Green diamonds are rare and highly prized for their unique color and beauty.

What are diamonds called that are made in factories?

Diamonds made in factories are called man-made diamonds.

What is a cluster of diamonds called?

Loose diamonds are called loose diamonds. When set as a group, the term may describe the setting more than the stones, i.e., pave, which is a 'pavement' of diamond stones. Otherwise multiple diamonds are simply called diamonds.

Where can one view real green diamonds?

One can view real green diamonds on sites like Silver Gold Bull. This site features diamonds of different colors. Another website is rarecoloreddiamonds dot com.

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Coal has been called 'black diamonds'. This is probably because coal and diamonds are both formed from carbon.

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They are called blood diamonds because the money made from them is used to fund wars and terrorist activities.

What are diamonds called ending with able?

Diamonds are VALUABLE

What is the name of manmade diamonds?

Man-made diamonds are usually called man-made diamonds.

Are chocolate diamonds made from actual chocolate?

No, they are diamonds. They are called chocolate diamonds because of their brown color.

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Yellow diamonds are gemstones with a definitive yellow appearance.

Who is a person to mine diamonds?

A person who mines diamonds is called a miner.