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Chemical properties of soda include its acidic nature due to carbonic acid and its ability to corrode metal due to its phosphoric acid content. Physical properties of soda include its liquid state, color, and density.

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Q: What are chemical and physical properties of soda?
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Is baking soda a chemical property?

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is a compound with chemical properties. It reacts with acids to release carbon dioxide gas, which causes baked goods to rise. This reaction is a chemical property of baking soda.

What are physical properties of baking soda?

there are no physical properties of baking soda. Thanks! .XX

Is pouring soda into a cup chemical change?

No, pouring soda into a cup is a physical change because the molecules of the soda remain the same. Chemical changes result in the formation of new substances with different chemical properties.

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When baking soda reacts is that a physical or chemical?

When baking soda reacts to produce carbon dioxide, it is a chemical reaction. Chemical bonds are broken and new bonds are formed, resulting in the production of a new substance with different chemical properties.

What is a physical property of baking soda?

A physical property of baking soda is its appearance as a white crystalline powder.

Does chemical and physical properties are probably the same?

No. Chemical and physical properties are different.

Is baking soda is white powder a physical or chemical property?

IT is a physical because physical properties refer to things that can be examined with the 5 senses (taste, look, ect.)

When do the physical and chemical properties change?

Physical and chemical properties change as the result of a chemical change, which produces new products with different physical and chemical properties than the reactants.

If you put copper in baking soda will it make a chemical change?

No this will not make a chemical change because if you put copper in baking soda it will make a physical change because it is not changing any of the properties inside the copper.

What are the physical property of a can of soda?

The physical properties of a can of soda at a temperature like 5 deg C are very similar to the physical properties of water at 5 deg C.

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