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Chemicals that release the H+ ion when dissolved in water are acids. Chemicals that release the OH- ion when dissolved in water are alkali (also known as bases) and water is neutral.

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3mo ago

Acids are substances that release hydrogen ions in solution, have a pH below 7, and can neutralize bases. Alkalis, also known as bases, accept hydrogen ions in solution, have a pH above 7, and can neutralize acids. Neutral substances have a pH of 7 and are neither acidic nor alkaline.

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Q: What are acids alkali and neutral?
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Is water an alkali in chemistry?

Water is not an alkali in chemistry. It is neutral with a pH of 7. Alkalis are substances that have a pH greater than 7 and can neutralize acids.

Is lime water an acids alkali or neutral?

Lime water is alkaline because it contains calcium hydroxide, which is a base. It is not neutral or acidic.

What products are acids used in?

Acids are used in poo and all sorts of penis. We use a pH scale to see if it is an acid, alkali or neutral

What is acid neutral?

alkalis / bases neutralise acids, a method in which to do this is titration where the acid is slowly added to the alkali through a burette until the mixture is neutral

How acid and alkali can form neutral solution?

Acids and alkalis can form a neutral solution through a chemical reaction called neutralization. When an acid reacts with an alkali, they neutralize each other's properties, resulting in the formation of water and a salt. The presence of an equal amount of acid and alkali in the solution creates a neutral pH.

Is Lime an acid a alkali or a neutral?

Lime is an alkaline substance. It is a basic compound that can be used to neutralize acids.

What are the colors of universal indicators for acids alkalis and neutral soloutions?

Universal indicators change color based on the pH of the solution. Typically, red or orange indicates an acid, green indicates a neutral solution, and blue or purple indicates an alkali.

What type of substance nutralises an acid?

An alkali substance typically neutralizes an acid. Alkalis are basic in nature and can react with acids to form salts and water, achieving a neutral pH.

Is toothpaste acidic alkali or neutral?


What is the reaction when you add acids and alkali's?

you create a neutral solution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well it depends actually it doesn't always create a neutral solution. Here's the order: Strong Alkali + Strong Acid = Neutralisation (water + salt) Strong Alkali + Weak Acid = Weak Alkali Weak Alkali + Weak Acid = Neutralisation ( water + salt) Weak Alkali + Strong Acid = Weak Acid Strong Alkali + Strong Acid = Neutralisation (water + salt) Hope it helps! :)

Is fizzy drinks an acids alkali or neutral?

Fizzy drinks are acidic. They typically have a low pH due to the presence of carbonic acid from the carbonation process.