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1) If you blend enough gasoline with ethanol (E85) the fuel will be compatible with the seals in most fuel systems and it can be used by any vehicle.

2) Gasoline acts as a denaturant and allows the producer to qualify to pay no liquor tax on the ethanol he produces.

3) Gasoline is a well proven fuel and readily available for blending.

4) As a denaturant the gasoline renders the ethanol inedible and unpalitable, and much less likely to be diverted to other food uses.

5) Gasoline is more dense than ethanol and increases its energy value per gallon.

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3mo ago
  1. Reduces greenhouse gas emissions: Ethanol is a renewable fuel source that helps lower the overall carbon footprint of gasoline.
  2. Supports domestic agriculture: Corn-based ethanol production creates jobs and supports local farmers.
  3. Improves octane ratings: Ethanol has a higher octane rating than gasoline, which can improve engine performance.
  4. Helps reduce dependence on foreign oil: By blending ethanol with gasoline, the U.S. can decrease reliance on imported oil.
  5. Promotes energy security: Diversifying the fuel supply with ethanol helps to ensure a more stable energy future.
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Alcohol contains ethanol gasoline or carbon?

Alcohol contains ethanol, a type of organic compound that is also used in gasoline as a fuel additive. It does not contain carbon itself, but ethanol is a carbon-based molecule.

When gas contains 10 percent ethanol how much ethanol is in a gallon of gas?

For every gallon of gas containing 10% ethanol (referred to as E10 gas), it will contain 1/10th gallon of ethanol (about 12 ounces by volume). Ethanol is primarily used to oxygenate the gas and replace the chemical MBTE, which pollutes groundwater. HOWEVER, since most ethanol in the US comes from corn, it is important to note that using ethanol in gasoline causes GREATER pollution than just gasoline alone. This is because it actually takes more energy to produce corn based ethanol than is extracted from it. Until better technologies for ethanol production are available (e.g. algae), it is best for the environment to avoid gas containing ethanol if possible (some states mandate it).

What is used to make ethanol for fuel?

Ethanol for fuel is primarily made from plant material such as corn, sugarcane, or wheat. The process involves fermenting these plant sources to produce ethanol, which can then be used as a renewable and sustainable fuel alternative to gasoline.

How do you get Ethanol from aqueous ethanol?

Ethanol can be recovered from aqueous ethanol through a process called distillation. A distillation column is used to separate the ethanol from water based on their boiling points. The mixture is heated, and the ethanol vaporizes at a lower temperature than water, allowing it to be collected and condensed back into liquid form.

What is the major drawback to the use of ethanol based energy?

Burning ethanol releases greenhouse gases.

Related questions

Alcohol contains ethanol gasoline or carbon?

Alcohol contains ethanol, a type of organic compound that is also used in gasoline as a fuel additive. It does not contain carbon itself, but ethanol is a carbon-based molecule.

Is Gasohol an alcohol-based fuel?

yes, it is a mix of gasoline and ethanol

What is a biofuel vehicle?

Gasoline biofuel is a mixture of gasoline and ethanol. Ethanol is a plant based alcohol, I.E. biological. Biodiesel works the same was but is an oil not an alocohol. The diesel engine was original designed and ran on a biofuel(peanut oil).

Some states are requiring that ethanol be mixed with gasoline to comply with anti-pollution laws Ethanol can be made from corn What effect are these policies having on the equilibrium price and quan?

In the US, ethanol is allowed to be blended into the gasoline supply as a part of the federal Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) set by the US Environmental Protection Agency in an effort to help control petroleum-based pollution. Individual states' requirements for blending are intended to serve the same purpose. However, the nation's corn supply tends to be so large that these individual states laws have comparatively little effect on the market price of corn as a commodity, except when the price of crude oil and gasoline get low enough that it is not economically feasible to continue blending, or as a result of an extremely short production of corn. Commodity prices at the moment are only barely above the cost of production, and in fact the US is currently facing a considerable oversupply of corn.

Is corn used for gasoline?

Yes, corn can be used to produce ethanol which can then be blended with gasoline to create a biofuel called ethanol fuel. This blend is commonly used in the United States and other countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.

What happens to gasoline when gasohol is added?

When gasohol is added to gasoline, it increases the oxygen content in the fuel mixture. This helps in achieving a more complete combustion of the gasoline, leading to reduced emissions and potentially improved fuel efficiency. Gasohol is typically a blend of gasoline and ethanol, which is a renewable, bio-based fuel.

Why would the engine light come one if you put ethanol gas in a non ethanol gas car?

that could be a pretty long list. I will cover the big ones. There is approximately 20% less energy in ethanol than there is in gasoline. It is possible that the computer module notices the difference and cannot compensate in the air fuel mix adequately to get a clean, efficient burn. Ethanol is a corrosive, or at least much more corrosive than gasoline or blended gasoline. Over time, ethanol will eat through rubber based gaskets, seals and hoses. That will cause all kinds of problems for your car from the fuel pump, right down to the injectors.

Does the CO2 produced from the production of ethanol offset the lower emissions of using it?

National Gegraphic and many leading scientists say that AT BEST it is barely a positive offset. Other equally renowned experts say that it is actually worse than burning straight gasoline. The problems with ethanol go way beyond the CO2 offset. How about having to burn 10 to 40% more to offset the lower BTU content of ethanol based fuels. Ethanol production shifts to cost from gasoline to food. The price of grain ( the primary source of US Ethanol) is going through the roof, and along with it the cost of food. This is a case of "false economy". Knee Jerk reaction, based on weak science and even weaker economics!

What are the advantages of Copic Ciao Markers?

Using regular cardstock has its disadvantages. The alcohol-based markers tend to dry quickly on regular cardstock; therefore blending may be less effective but a colorless blender can be applied to "re-activate" or wet the area to be colored so blending can be achieved.

Is ethanol bad on your engine?

Ethanol can be corrosive to certain engine components and may reduce fuel efficiency, especially in older engines not designed for high ethanol blends. However, modern engines are typically designed to handle ethanol blends up to 10% without issues. It's important to check your vehicle's owner's manual for guidance on ethanol use.

Gasoline frozen dgeree?

In general it's around -120 degrees Fahrenheit. However, gasoline is not a pure substance like oxygen or water--it contains many different kinds of molecules, so the actual freezing temperature would vary based on the makeup of the gasoline (does it contain ethanol, paraffin, water, what is it's octane, etc.).

When gas contains 10 percent ethanol how much ethanol is in a gallon of gas?

For every gallon of gas containing 10% ethanol (referred to as E10 gas), it will contain 1/10th gallon of ethanol (about 12 ounces by volume). Ethanol is primarily used to oxygenate the gas and replace the chemical MBTE, which pollutes groundwater. HOWEVER, since most ethanol in the US comes from corn, it is important to note that using ethanol in gasoline causes GREATER pollution than just gasoline alone. This is because it actually takes more energy to produce corn based ethanol than is extracted from it. Until better technologies for ethanol production are available (e.g. algae), it is best for the environment to avoid gas containing ethanol if possible (some states mandate it).