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Organisms obtain oxygen through respiration, where they take in oxygen from their environment and release carbon dioxide as a waste product. Aquatic organisms such as fish can also extract oxygen from the water through their gills.

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Q: What are 2 ways organisms obtain oxygen?
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What are three ways oxygen gas is removed from the atmosphere and use?

Oxygen gas is removed from the atmosphere through processes such as respiration by living organisms, combustion of fossil fuels, and chemical reactions during weathering of rocks. This oxygen is then utilized by organisms for cellular respiration, in industrial processes such as steel production, and in combustion reactions for energy generation.

What is the formation of oxygen ions?

Oxygen ions typically form in one of two ways: either by gaining two electrons to form O^2- ions, or by losing two electrons to form O^2+ ions. The most common form of oxygen ion is the oxide ion (O^2-).

Which biomolecule contains carbon hydrogen and oxygen?

Carbohydrates are biomolecules that contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio, respectively. These include sugars, starches, and fibers, which serve as an important energy source for living organisms.

What were 2 effects of rising oxygen levels in atmosphere?

Rising oxygen levels in the atmosphere contributed to the evolution of larger and more complex organisms, as oxygen is essential for aerobic respiration. Additionally, increased oxygen levels also played a role in the formation of the ozone layer, which helped shield Earth's surface from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

What is NH2CHCOOH?

NH2CHCOOH is the chemical formula for aminoacetic acid, also known as glycine. It is the simplest amino acid and serves as an important building block in the synthesis of proteins in living organisms.

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Amphibians are not completely free to live on dry land because 1. their ancestors were fishes. 2. they obtain oxygen from water through gills. 4. their food organisms live in water. 5. they can escape?

They obtain oxygen from water through gills (during at least part of their life cycle).

How do different organisms obtain their nutrients?

Different organisms obtain nutrients in different ways. For example, plants perform photosynthesis to produce their own food using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. Animals consume other organisms or organic matter to obtain nutrients, while decomposers break down dead organic material to extract nutrients. Some bacteria can also obtain nutrients from minerals in their environment.

What 2 ways do you use plants?

you can use them as decoration, for salads or for oxygen.

How do cnidarians obtain O2?

Cnidarians (Jellyfish and relatives) have a body made of non-living mesoglea (which doesn't need oxygen) surrounded by 2, 1-cell thick, layers of epithelium, which obtain oxygen directly from the water.

What are 2 ways that some organisms can escape from unfavorable environments?

they can move to another place or they can adapted

2 ways bacteria is harmful to humans?

They can cause diseases. Another way is that they can invade organisms.

2 ways how living organisms grow?

Organisms grow larger by adding more cells.

What are 2 ways all animals are alike?

They all need to eat and breath oxygen.

How do you get dexoes in Pokemon?

If you want a Deoxy's in Pokemon theirs 2 ways to obtain it. 1. Go to a Pokemon Event that gives away free Pokemon or 2. Use an Action Replay/ GameShark to obtain it by hacking it into the game.

What are two ways you can obtain calcium?

2 foods from which u can get calcium are milk and tofu. U can also eat broccoli

What are three ways oxygen gas is removed from the atmosphere and use?

Oxygen gas is removed from the atmosphere through processes such as respiration by living organisms, combustion of fossil fuels, and chemical reactions during weathering of rocks. This oxygen is then utilized by organisms for cellular respiration, in industrial processes such as steel production, and in combustion reactions for energy generation.

What are 2 examples of abiotic factors in a lake ecosytem?

Two examples of abiotic factors in a lake ecosystem are temperature and dissolved oxygen levels. Temperature can affect the metabolic rates of organisms, while dissolved oxygen is essential for aquatic organisms to respire.