When two primary colors are mixed together, the resulting color is called a secondary color.
Mixing blue and red together creates the color purple.
Mixing equal parts of orange and black together will create a light brown color.
Colors can be mixed together to create new colors. For example, mixing red and yellow creates orange, while combining blue and yellow produces green. This process of color mixing is often used in art, design, and printing to achieve a wide range of hues and shades.
Yellow is a primary color, meaning it cannot be made by mixing other colors together. It is a pure color on its own and is not created by combining other colors.
Red and Black Blue and Yellow Orange and Yellow/Red Green/Red (CHRISTMAS TREE :D) Anything with black usually goes good (cept for yellow or u will be a bumblebee)
well pretty much all colors if you put them together
When two primary colors are mixed together, the resulting color is called a secondary color.
red & blue
orange and red
Red And Blue
black and white you should know that!!
Black and pink
Red yellow and blue are primary colors, meaning they can't be made from other colors. Orange, purple, and green can, though. They are secondary colors and can be made from the primary colors.
complimentary colors are 2 colors who are opposite of each other on the color wheel they make each other look good when they are together like blue&orange, red&green, yellow&purple
There are two colors that you can mix together to make purple. Those colors are red and blue. You can make the hue lighter or darker depending on how much of each you add.