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Silver was named after the Anglo-Saxon word "seolfor" or the Latin word "argentum." It is not named after a specific person or place.

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Q: Was silver named after a person or place?
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There are many places where a person can find authentic silver necklaces for cheap. The best place is the website "Amazon" or "eBay" to find authentic silver necklaces for cheap.

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Argentina was named after the Latin word "argentum," which means silver. The country was named by Spanish explorers who believed the region was rich in silver deposits.

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How do you get to silver city in Pokemon SoulSilver?

There is no silver city in silverAnswer:Well, Silver isn't really a person in Soul Silver; unless you name yourself Silver.Answer:Excuse me, but even though the previous person who answered does have a point; Silver was really the name of your rival, as it is in the manga. He stole a Totodile.The male player you could choose was named "Gold", and he owned a Hinoarasu (Cyndaquil).

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How did silver get named silver?

Came from Seolfer (Anglo-Saxon) then turned into Silver(: