Some common types of polymerization processes include addition polymerization, condensation polymerization, and ring-opening polymerization. Addition polymerization involves the repetitive addition of monomers to form a polymer chain, condensation polymerization forms polymers through the elimination of small molecules like water or alcohol, and ring-opening polymerization involves the opening of cyclic monomers to form linear polymer chains.
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Simply - polymerization. However, this is usually addition polymerization but not always. Nylon is formed by condensation polymerization and the polymers used to make waterbased latex paints is usually called emulsion polymerization.
Polymerization is the process that bonds monomers together to form polymers. This can occur through various mechanisms like addition polymerization, condensation polymerization, and ring-opening polymerization.
Polymerization is the synthesis process that joins two monomers together to form a polymer. This process can occur through various mechanisms, such as addition polymerization, condensation polymerization, or ring-opening polymerization.
Polymers are synthesized through a process called polymerization, where small molecules called monomers are chemically bonded together to form long chains or networks. This reaction can be initiated by heat, light, or chemical catalysts. Different types of polymerization methods, such as addition polymerization and condensation polymerization, can be used to create a wide range of polymers with diverse properties.
Acetaldehyde (ethanal) can polymerize to form polyacetal or polyoxymethylene, which is a type of thermoplastic polymer.
In this type of polymerization monomers are added successive without any loss of molecule or atom.
Polymerization is not a property; it is a type of chemical reaction.
This reaction is called polymerization.
The polymerization process in which a water molecule is lost is called condensation polymerization. In condensation polymerization, monomers join together to form a polymer while releasing a small molecule like water or alcohol as a byproduct. This type of polymerization typically involves monomers with functional groups that react to form covalent bonds and release the small molecule.
Polymerization is not a property; it is a type of chemical reaction.
Simply - polymerization. However, this is usually addition polymerization but not always. Nylon is formed by condensation polymerization and the polymers used to make waterbased latex paints is usually called emulsion polymerization.
This macromolecule is a protein.
This macromolecule is a protein.
Honestly, it depends on what type of deck you use. If it's the Cyber Dragon deck, you can use the spell cards "Polymerization", "Super Polymerization", "Power Bond", & "Instant Fusion". But it mainly depends on the type of deck you use.
Inverse emulsion polymerization is a process where water-insoluble monomers are dispersed in water as droplets, with a water-soluble initiator initiating polymerization within these droplets. This results in the formation of polymer particles dispersed in water, with the continuous phase being the monomer solution.
Polymerization is the process that bonds monomers together to form polymers. This can occur through various mechanisms like addition polymerization, condensation polymerization, and ring-opening polymerization.
Metathesis, condensation, hydrolysis, free radical polymerization ... how many do you want?