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To write the formula for an ionic compound, you first write the symbol for the cation (positively charged ion) followed by the symbol for the anion (negatively charged ion). Then, you use subscripts to indicate the ratio of ions needed to balance the charges to make it electrically neutral. The subscripts are the smallest whole numbers that will ensure the compound has a net charge of zero.

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Q: To write the formula for an ionic compound write the formulas for the cation and the anion then use subscripts to what charges?
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How do you write the chemical formulas of compounds with polyatomic ions?

To write the chemical formula of a compound with polyatomic ions, first determine the charge of each ion. Then, balance the charges by crisscrossing the numerical values of the charges to determine the subscripts of each ion in the formula. Finally, write the formula with the proper subscripts for each ion to balance the charges.

How do we write ionic formulas?

To write ionic formulas, determine the charges of the ions involved, balance the charges to achieve a neutral compound, and then write the symbols of the ions with the appropriate subscripts to balance the charges. The cation (positive ion) is written first followed by the anion (negative ion) in the formula.

How are formulas for ionic and covalent compounds written?

Formulas for ionic compounds are written by balancing the positive and negative charges of the ions to create a neutral compound. For covalent compounds, the subscripts in the formula indicate the number of atoms of each element present in the molecule.

When writing formula for ionic compound the charges of the ions must?

When writing the formula for an ionic compound, the charges of the ions must balance out to zero. This is achieved by crisscrossing the charges of the ions to determine the subscripts in the formula. The positive charge of the cation must balance the negative charge of the anion in the compound formula.

What do you use to balance charges when writing a molecule's formula?

You use subscripts to balance charges when writing a molecule's formula. Subscripts are used to indicate the number of each type of atom in the molecule, ensuring that the charges add up to zero.

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How do you write the chemical formulas of compounds with polyatomic ions?

To write the chemical formula of a compound with polyatomic ions, first determine the charge of each ion. Then, balance the charges by crisscrossing the numerical values of the charges to determine the subscripts of each ion in the formula. Finally, write the formula with the proper subscripts for each ion to balance the charges.

How do we write ionic formulas?

To write ionic formulas, determine the charges of the ions involved, balance the charges to achieve a neutral compound, and then write the symbols of the ions with the appropriate subscripts to balance the charges. The cation (positive ion) is written first followed by the anion (negative ion) in the formula.

How are formulas for ionic and covalent compounds written?

Formulas for ionic compounds are written by balancing the positive and negative charges of the ions to create a neutral compound. For covalent compounds, the subscripts in the formula indicate the number of atoms of each element present in the molecule.

When writing formula for ionic compound the charges of the ions must?

When writing the formula for an ionic compound, the charges of the ions must balance out to zero. This is achieved by crisscrossing the charges of the ions to determine the subscripts in the formula. The positive charge of the cation must balance the negative charge of the anion in the compound formula.

What do you use to balance charges when writing a molecule's formula?

You use subscripts to balance charges when writing a molecule's formula. Subscripts are used to indicate the number of each type of atom in the molecule, ensuring that the charges add up to zero.

How do you write chemical formulas with oxidation numbers?

To write chemical formulas with oxidation numbers, first determine the oxidation number of each element in the compound based on their typical values. Then, use these oxidation numbers to balance the charges of cations and anions in the compound. Finally, write the chemical formula using subscripts to ensure that the overall charge of the compound is neutral.

What does the formula unit for an ionic compound show?

The formula unit for an ionic compound shows the simplest ratio of ions in the compound. It represents the combination of ions that result in a neutral compound. The subscripts in the formula unit indicate the number of each ion required to balance the charges.

How are chemical formulas written do they use superscripts or subscripts?

Chemical formulas typically use subscripts to denote the number of atoms for each element present in a compound. The subscripts are written after the element symbol. Superscripts can be used for charges on ions, but not for indicating the number of atoms in a compound.

The actual molar ratio of elements in a compound as expressed by the subscripts in a formula is expressed in what?

The actual molar ratio of elements in a compound as expressed by the subscripts in a formula is the formula unit. It represents the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms of each element in the compound.

Why does this criss cross method give is a valid formula for an ionic compound?

The criss cross method helps determine the correct subscripts for ions in an ionic compound by ensuring that the charges balance out to zero. This method works because the total positive charge from the cation(s) must equal the total negative charge from the anion(s) to form a neutral compound. By swapping the numerical values of the charges on each ion to serve as subscripts in the compound formula, this balance is achieved.

When determining empirical formulas from laboratory data the mole ratio is used to determine what?

The mole ratio is used to determine the ratio of atoms of different elements in a compound. This information helps in identifying the empirical formula of the compound based on the smallest whole number ratio of atoms present in the compound.

How do you write the chemical formula of an ionic compound?

To write the chemical formula of an ionic compound, you balance the charges of the ions to achieve neutrality. This involves using subscripts to ensure that the positive and negative charges cancel out. The formula is typically written using the smallest whole number ratio of ions.