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3mo ago

The number of protons in the nucleus determines the element's identity, while the number of electrons influences its chemical behavior. The arrangement of electrons in the outermost energy level also plays a key role in determining an element's properties.

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What is a sentence uses atom?

Atom is used to create an atomic bomb. Atom has three parts.

What are the bad parts of a food atom?

There are no "bad" parts of a food atom. Atoms are fundamental building blocks of all matter, including food, and each atom plays a crucial role in the composition and structure of the food we eat.

What is the atom number in a proton?

there are no atoms in a proton. a Proton is a part in the nuleus of an atom. the other parts of an atom are neutrons and electrons

What are the names of elements?

Well if you are talking about an atom then here are the parts of an atom proton,neutron,and electron here are the short names of them proton= P+ neutron= N and electron= e-

How do the parts of an atom combine to form compounds and mixtures?

It's not the atoms that change, it is the molecules... In short, the molecules(elements) can share, give, or take electrons from other molecules(elements).

What parts if an atom produce magnitism?

The parts of an atom which produce magnetism are the electrons.

Is a atom an element?

No, an atom is not an element. An atom is the smallest unit of an element that retains the properties of that element. Elements are made up of atoms of the same type.

How are atoms and elements different?

atom and elements are different because one atom makes an element and a element is a pure substance and a atom is a basic particle

Why is sliver a element?

Silver is an element because when an silver atom cannot be broken down into smaller, different parts of it. Instead, you get protons, electrons, and neutrons that make up and atom. That is the same with all of the other elements.

How is an atom related to an element?

Elements and atoms are related because elements contain only one type of atom.

Is for all elements the smallest particle that can exist independently is an atom?

No, for all elements the smallest particle that can exist independently is an atom.

Represented by a symbol all are found on the periodic table?
