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The gas in the soil that is most important for plant growth is oxygen. Plants need oxygen for their root systems to absorb nutrients and water from the soil through respiration. Adequate oxygen levels in the soil also support beneficial soil microorganisms that aid in nutrient cycling and plant health.

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Q: The gas in the soil that is the most important for plant growth?
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Which two elements are added to soil by fertilizers?

Nitrogen and phosphorus are commonly added to soil through fertilizers to promote plant growth. Nitrogen helps with leafy green growth and overall plant development, while phosphorus is important for root growth and flower/fruit development.

Why is nitrogen important in healthy soil?

Nitrogen is a key nutrient for plant growth and is a crucial component of proteins, enzymes, and chlorophyll. It plays a vital role in various plant functions, such as photosynthesis, growth, and development. In healthy soil, sufficient nitrogen levels support robust plant growth and productivity.

How is nitrogen stored in the soil?

Nitrogen is stored in the soil primarily in organic matter, such as in plant residues and decaying organic material. It can also be stored in the soil in inorganic forms, such as nitrate and ammonium ions, which are important nutrients for plant growth. Nitrogen can be transformed into different chemical states by soil microbes and plants.

Why is oxygen important in soil?

Oxygen in soil is important because it is necessary for the respiration of plant roots and soil organisms. Adequate oxygen levels support the growth of these organisms and help in the decomposition of organic matter, which releases nutrients for plants to absorb. Oxygen also helps in maintaining soil structure and drainage.

Why is pH important for crops?

pH is important for crops because it affects the availability of nutrients in the soil. Different crops have specific pH requirements for optimal growth, so maintaining the correct pH level can help ensure that plants can absorb essential nutrients. pH also influences soil structure and microbial activity, which further impacts plant growth and productivity.

Related questions

What is organic matter in ecosystems?

organic matter important to plant growth is humus.

What is the component of soil most needed to maintain plant growth?

top soil

Why is the silt soil is most favorable for plant growth?

It is the most fertile

What type of soil best for most plant growth?


Do insects in the soil affect the plant growth?

Yes, insects in the soil can affect plant growth. Some insects may feed on plant roots, reducing the plant's ability to uptake nutrients and water. Other insects may disturb the soil structure, impacting root growth and overall plant health. It's important to monitor and manage insect populations in the soil to support healthy plant growth.

Is soil good for plant growth?

Good organic soil is best for most plants. But some plants prefer sand or rocky soil. Do some research to see what your plants prefer.

Why is it important for soil to be able to exchange ions?

Soil needs to be able to exchange ions because it affects nutrient availability for plants. This process helps regulate pH levels, improves soil structure, and impacts plant growth and overall soil health.

How does soil temperature affect plant growth?

Soil temperature affects plant growth by influencing the rate of biological and chemical processes in the soil, such as nutrient availability and microbial activity. Different plant species have specific temperature requirements for optimal growth, with most plants preferring soil temperatures between 60-70°F. Extreme temperatures can stress plants, affecting their growth and development.

The component to soil most needed to maintain plant growth is?

The component of soil most needed to maintain plant growth is nutrients, which include essential elements like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These nutrients are vital for plant growth, as they play crucial roles in processes such as photosynthesis, cell division, and overall plant metabolism. deficiencies of these nutrients can severely limit plant growth and development.

Will putting decomposable stuff in soil affect nearby plant growth?

Decomposable materials can enhance soil health by providing nutrients to nearby plants as they break down. However, large amounts of decomposing material may temporarily deplete oxygen in the soil, which can hinder plant growth. It is important to balance the amount of decomposable material added to soil to avoid negatively impacting nearby plant growth.

Why is soil formation important?

Soil formation is important because it supports plant growth by providing nutrients, water, and stability for roots. It also helps regulate the water cycle by allowing water to infiltrate and be stored in the soil, reducing erosion and flooding. Additionally, soil formation plays a key role in carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling, which are essential for maintaining ecosystem health and biodiversity.

Why is type of soil important to the plant?

Alluvial soil is important to the plant.