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Litmus paper turns red in acidic solutions and blue in alkaline solutions.

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Q: The colors of litmus in acid and alkali's are?
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What happens to acid alkali and neutral substances when mixed with litmus?

Acids turn red litmus paper blue, alkalis turn blue litmus paper red, and neutral substances do not cause a color change in litmus paper.

Fact about acid?

acids have a pH of less than 7, acid reacts with alkalis, acid turns litmus paper red. :)

What effect do alkalis hava on litmus solution?

If the solution contains acid, then the alkali turns the litmus to its original colour(blue).The color is effected by the concentration of the acid and the alkali.

What is a acid in simple language?

a chemical substance that neutralizes alkalis, dissolves some metals and turns litmus red

Which items turn red litmus paper blue?

Litmus paper is an indicator used to roughly measure the strength of acids and alkalis on the pH scale. pH1 is a strong acid, pH7 is neutral, pH14 is a strong alkali Alkalis will turn the litmus paper blue, the darker the blue the stronger the alkali

What element do all alkalis contain?

All alkalis contain the hydroxide ion (OH-). This hydroxide ion is responsible for the characteristic properties of alkalis, such as their ability to neutralize acids and their ability to turn litmus paper blue.

What is a substance that turns different colors in an acid?

This is called Litmus paper.

Alkalis turn paper blue?

Alkalis turn red litmus paper blue by converting the indicator dye to its basic form, which has a blue color. This color change occurs due to the increase in pH caused by the alkalis.

What is the name of the solution to test for acids or alkalis?

There are various ways to test for an acid and an alkali. For acidic solution: Litmus paper/ litmus solution --> red Phenolphthalein --> colorless Methyl orange --> pink Universal Indicator (changes color according to the strength of acid) --> red to yellow. For alkaline solutions: Litmus paper/ litmus solution --> blue Phenolphthalein --> pink Methyl orange --> yellow Universal Indicator --> blue green to purple

What colour of litmus is phosphoric acid?

The colors of phosphorus are white, yellow, red, violet and black.

Household acids and alkalis?

households acids and alkalis is formic acid and syitric acid

Are alkalis are alkalis red when added to acid?
