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You needn't a scientific definition for it. Theory is something waiting to be proved in the future that it was not a theory in the past. It was a valid idea.

However, if you want to go deeper on this issue, there is a link right below.

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17y ago

Scientific theory.

A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena.

Highlight scientific theory and double click it for a complete definition.

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14y ago

A scientific theory is an extensively tested hypothesis that is accepted as the best answer we can come up with, since nobody has been able to prove it wrong yet.

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a well-tested explanation for a broad set of observations

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11y ago

definition of the word scientific theory

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A scientific theory is an explanation of how the world works answered by the scientific method.

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That would depend on the scientific theory in question.

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scientific law is unlike a scientific theory in a sense that its the next step above a scientific theory.A scientific law is one that has been proven, a scientific theory has not been proven yet.

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Scientific theory is two words.

A hypothesis that has been verified by many scientists?

scientific theory

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Although there is a number of scientific theories, here is a list of ten scientific theories: collision theory, kinetic theory of gases, atomic theory, Big Bang theory, Dynamo theory, cell theory, modern evolutionary synthesis, germ theory, transition state theory, valence bond theory.