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Radioactive elements include all elements whose nuclei either:

  • contain protons more than 83 proton, or
  • contain neutron to proton ratio out of the stability ratio.

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3mo ago

Radioactive elements are those elements whose nuclei contain unstable combinations of protons and neutrons. This instability leads to the spontaneous emission of radiation in the form of alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays in order to achieve a more stable configuration.

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9y ago

Radioactive elements include all of those elements whose nuclei contain more than 83 protons. These elements are so heavy that they become unstable, and this causes their radioactive property.

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14y ago

100% sure its actinides

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15y ago

more than 83 as an atomic number.

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Q: Radioactive elements include all those elements whose nuclei contain what?
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The time it takes for 50 percent of the nuclei in a radioactive sample to decay to its stable isotope is called?

The time it takes for 50 percent of the nuclei in a radioactive sample to decay to its stable isotope is called the half-life of the radioactive element. It is a characteristic property of each radioactive isotope and can vary greatly among different elements.

How do radioactive elements produce their own energy?

Radioactive elements produce energy through the process of radioactive decay, where unstable nuclei release particles or electromagnetic radiation to become more stable. This release of energy can take various forms such as alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays, depending on the type of radioactive decay occurring.

How many unstable nuclei exist in nature?

There are many unstable nuclei that exist in nature, but the exact number is difficult to determine due to the sheer variety of radioactive isotopes that can occur. These unstable nuclei can undergo radioactive decay to become more stable over time.

What are the fission products in the figure?

The fission products shown in the figure are typically smaller nuclei formed during the nuclear fission of uranium or plutonium. These products can include isotopes of various elements such as cesium, iodine, strontium, xenon, and barium. They are radioactive and can pose health and environmental risks if not properly contained.

What term indicates the process in which unstable nuclei releases radiation?

Radioactive decay is the process in which unstable nuclei release radiation in the form of alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays.

Related questions

What is the chemical formula for radioactive?

Radioactive elements do not have a specific chemical formula, as they can be any element on the periodic table with unstable nuclei that emit radiation. Some examples of radioactive elements include uranium, radium, and thorium.

What is made up of radioactive elements?

Radioactive elements are naturally occurring elements with unstable atomic nuclei that emit radiation as they decay. Common examples include uranium, thorium, and radium. These elements can be found in minerals, rocks, and soil.

What nuclei is not radioactive?

The stable nuclei that are not radioactive include, for example, carbon-12, oxygen-16, and neon-20. These nuclei have a balanced composition of protons and neutrons that do not undergo radioactive decay.

What elements have more than 92 protons in their nuclei?


What is a stream of helium nuclei ejected by certain radioactive elements?

alpha radiation

What are radioactive elements on the periodic table?

Some examples of radioactive elements on the periodic table include uranium, thorium, radium, and plutonium. These elements have unstable atomic nuclei that decay over time, emitting radiation in the process.

What counts radioactive material?

Radioactive materials are substances that contain unstable nuclei that can undergo radioactive decay, releasing energy in the form of radiation. Common examples include uranium, plutonium, and radium.

Are some elements radioactive?

Radioactivity refers to the emission of ionizing particles which results from the spontaneous disintegration of atomic nuclei. Some examples of radioactive elements are uranium and plutonium.

What is true of all elements after 83?

All elements after 83 on the periodic table are radioactive and have unstable nuclei. They typically undergo radioactive decay to reach a more stable configuration. These elements are known as the actinides and transactinides.

Are the nuclei of final elements produced by nuclear decay more stable or less stable than the nuclei of original radioactive elements?

Of course they are more stable, therefore they formed naturally.

Why radioactive materials are unstable?

Radioactive materials are unstable because their nuclei contain an imbalance of protons and neutrons, leading to excess energy within the nucleus. This imbalance causes the atom to release particles or energy in the form of radiation in order to achieve a more stable configuration.

How many radioactive elements are discovered uptill now?

There are currently 38 radioactive elements that have been discovered. These elements have unstable nuclei that undergo radioactive decay, emitting radiation in the form of alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays.